Part 20

252 21 12

In sahir's room

Adi: bhai what happened

Sahir: adi
i got a message  from some unknown number

Adi: about

Sahir: dad's its not accident adi someone tried to kill him

Adi: what?

Sahir: we need to find them
And also we need to be careful adi

Adi: haa bhai

Sahir: adi i need  u to work in our company  for few days

Adi: bhaii

Sahir: i need to go America adi before dad and mom goes there

I want to make sure that they will be   safe there

For that u should be take care of here adi
Whatever happens we should be unite

Adi: yes bhai

Both hugs 

And both went down

In living room
Harsh: zoya will u marry sahir

Zoya: uncle i dont know what to say but i am..

Sahir: zoya can u come i need to talk to u

Anjana : what happen sahir

Sahir: nothing mom just work matter

Waseem: zoya go we will discuss later

Sahir and zoya both went to study room

Sahir: zoya im going to America in few days so adi and u will take care of company for few days

Zoya: sahir is everything okk

Sahir: yes zoya just i want to be alone for some time

Zoya: ok sahir as ur wish we will manage

Sahir i need to talk to u

Sahir: yes zoya

Zoya: adi and me...

Adi: zoya
Zoya aunty and uncle are waiting for u downstairs

Sahir: zoya we will talk tomorrow its too late u goo

Zoya nodded and comes out with adi

Zoya: i need to talk to u

Adi: i need tooo

And adi pulled her to his room

Zoya: adi

Adi: zoya listen to me

Zoya: first listen to me no one listing to me

Adi: yes baby but its important dad's it is not accident someone tried to kill him

Zoya: what??

Adi: yes zoya bhai got this msg from some unknown number
So we need to be careful and also u should take care of uncle and aunty alsoo

Zoya: adi im scared who is trying to kill him

Adi: baby noo please be strong we need to find that

Zoya hugs him

Adi: relax relax

Zoya: adi please be with me

Adi: i will baby
And what u want to say

Zoya: adi befor uncle and aunty..

Waseem: zoyaaa zoyaa

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