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He didn't see anything that he was doing wrong. In fact, he thought it was normal. Normal to the point that others just didn't understand how he felt.




Fuck them. Who cares what they think?


He let a smile cross onto his face as he turned around and caught the unsuspecting girl into his arms.

"Hey, y/n."

She never questioned his behavior. Never.

She always thought that he was overly affectionate, but that was it.

She thought that NOTHING was wrong with.

Despite all the warnings she got on his lately creepy behavior...

"Done with practice?"


He then set her down while wrapping a hand around her own. Easily pulling her away as one of her friends gave her a worried glance, but he sent a quick glare her away causing the girl to scramble off. As if she saw nothing at all.

Y/n never questioned the disappearances of people around her. She always blamed it on the serial killer that broke out just a few months ago.

So, to fix this problem, she stayed right next to Iwaizumi.

She should be safe with him, right?

Though, Iwaizumi didn't mind at all. In fact, he liked at how unaware she was.

"As long as she never finds out."

She'll be a lot safer staying unaware anyway.

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