Sad Little Woodpecker

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Mirai p.o.v.

~Naughty Birdie's Song is made~

~By pecking holes in trees~

One foot in front of the other... trudging through the snow. The wind blew, threatening to push me over the edge. I brushed my hair back, and spun around to sit on the ledge with my legs hanging over, just brushing the top of a tree next to the school.

~Willows, Cedars, Sycamores~

~And proud Oaks reduced to cheese~

Another cloudy day- how gloomy...

~Woodland gods, all in a huff~

Pfft, yeah- Toshi when she finds out I'm skipping class.

~Have forever cursed your naughty beak~

~What it pecks, it poisons now;~

Singing this makes me miss Shiro... and Big Bro Crow. But they're gone now, living their own lives. I wish I could sync back like them... but how can I? All I had ever known was the prison.

~Your food, your nest, even your young~

~Your friends now all fear you~

What friends? Death is my friend, it gave me the power to ensure that I was never the one to join him. Blood is my protector, shielding me from the world. Toshi is my world- my sister, my mother, my only friend.

~But your tears-


I jumped, slipping off the ledge. Twisting around I was able to grasp the ledge by the tips of my fingers. Footsteps rushed towards me and my classmate Emi reached over the side of the building to grasp my wrists and attempt to pull me up. I use the tension of her grasp to move my feet below and and shove myself back onto the roof of the school.

She looks at me with remorseful eyes, "Oh my GOD!!! I'm so sorry I scared you, just you were late to class so the teacher sent me to find you cause I had said that you were in the bathroom, which I mean, I knew you weren't in the bathroom- BUT I had remembered that you like to come up to the roof sometimes in order to clear your head when you're upset and when I saw you sitting on the ledge- *GASP* Wait you weren't... are you okay?"

Not breaking her rant she wraps her arms around me tightly continuing, "Youknowyoucanalwayscomeandtalktomeright?! Imean-Iknowthatwe'renotlike,FRIENDS,buticonsideryoutobeoneofmyclosestclassmatesandireallyworryaboutyousometimes andidon'twantyoutosufferbyourselfanymore-"

I shoved her.


"I'm fine Emi- I was just chilling here cause I felt like it. You know I hate 1st period. It's so boring and easy, so it's not like I'm missing anything important." I sighed, "Well let's get you back to class then since you came all the way here."

She jumped up, a huge smile plastered over her face, hazel eyes gleaming. "Yes Ma'am!" Oh god.... she saluted. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the school, "I'm just glad that you're okay, I mean you always have this emo-death aura around you and it makes people worry ya know I mean-"

You know- I like Emi... a lot. She was the first person to make any sort of connection with me at this school; but I swear she'll drive me to sanity. But that's what I need. I may like her but the only reason I put up with her is because I can use her as my deterrent- as my drug. After all, the light will always suppress the darkness right?

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