Renegade - the band : Chapter 2 : One Dream

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Chapter 2 : One Dream

Once Arden reached home, he unlocked the door, went in and lied down on the couch. He didn't even bother to change his clothes or take a shower as he was really tired and feeling really depressed. Arden was close to bankruptcy as his guitar store's business wasn't going well ever since he moved to Staffordshire. He owed a lot of money and was a failure in doing business.

He then remembered about his one dream: To create the best 4-man band ever. So, he figured that he must leave his guitar store and start a studio with a band. With the money inside his bank account, Arden knew that it wouldn't be enough. So he had no choice, but to put his guitar store for sale on Ebay. He also pawned in some of the jewelries that he found kept inside his vault. Trying to be the best band ever was a gambler, but he had no choice.

Arden sold almost everything he owned except for his musical instruments and personal items. He got a total of $950,000 from them, much more than what he had expected. Also, to get away from the loan sharks that he used to borrow money from, but haven't return, he fleed to the United States and settled down in Chicago. Arden rented a flat which cost only $1000 per month. And then used another $500,000 to buy a record studio which is located beside an abandoned graveyard. It was a really cheap price for such a big record studio. But that wasn't all, he then used another $200,000 to hire a another guitarist, a vocalist, a bassist and bought a lot of expensive recording equipments. He also used some of the money to renovate the studio and buying furnitures, then saved the remainings in his bank account.

Together with the hired guitarist, vocalist, bassist and himself. He formed a band and named themselves  "Hades Pirate". Arden was very satisfied with his work.

"This is going to be great," Arden shouted out to his bandmates. "I'm sure we're going to be a success."

"Yea man, it's uh..gonna be big, we gon have those concerts and shits like that yo," Jason, the bassist called back while cleaning his drumsticks.

Arden Ceoen had his hope in the band, he believed that they will make great songs that everyone will love. And also believed that they will succeed no matter what. He believed in the band and himself that he will make the best 4-man band ever.

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