-ˏˋ chapter one

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felix grunted as he put his backpack on.

the bag was too heavy for felix's body to bare. it was filled with groceries that would hopefully last him and his two room mates, jisung and minho, for at least a month.

"fucking, jisung," felix muttered, angrily. "refusing to help me yet he eats half of the food in the entire fridge."

felix sluggishly walked down a dark alleyway while cursing his room mates who didn't want to help him with the shopping.

felix did practically everything in his shared house.

he did the cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping while jisung and minho did their own things.

jisung would produce music as he was a 'rapper' and minho spent his days either playing with his three cats or law course work since he was currently in university.

minho didn't exactly know what he was planning on doing after uni. all he said was that he was 'doing it for the fun of it'.

what does felix do you ask?

well, he's just unemployed.

as much as felix wanted a job he just couldn't get one. every single job he applied for just turned him down so he gave up looking.

felix hated being unemployed but he couldn't exactly do anything about it. why waste your time looking for a job when absolutely no one wants you?


"why is my life so--"

someone suddenly barged past felix causing the already annoyed blond to yell out.

"you idiot!" felix yelled after the person. "who the fuck do you think you are?!"

the person turned around, removed his mask and flashed felix a smirk which made his breath hitch.

the person was a man. a rather attractive man with a strong jaw line and soft pink lips.

"the names christopher," the man purred. "don't dare forget it. okay?"

before felix could reply christopher climbed on top of a dumpster and jumped over the wall.

"what...?" felix murmured.

christopher was quick with his movements. he slid and darted past people in his way to get to his desired destination.

he just successful stole jewellery worth thousands from the biggest department store in the whole of south korea .

he set the burglary alarm off but staff were too slow to react and didn't manage to catch him before he was out of the door.

if they were to check cctv it would be a waste of time. all they would see would be a man with a black mask, black sun glasses and a black hat.

that could be anyone.

luckily for chris he was fast meaning he would be blurry even if the police were to pause the security footage.

when chris arrived at his home he knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open it.

the door swung open and an annoyed sanghoon was stood in the doorway with a face mask and a dressing gown tied loosely around his body.

"first of all, what the fuck?" chris snorted. "second of all, why the fuck?"

"i'm having a spa thing with jeongin," sanghoon growled. "you're interrupting. hurry and get your annoying ass in here."

chris broke into a smile and walked inside the large home.

"nice to see you too, sanghoon," chris mumbled.

christopher walked inside the living room choking on nothing when he saw the living room was completely transformed into a spa.

"hey, chan!" jeongin beamed. "wanna join?"

"no thanks," chris chuckled.

"aww." jeongin pouted.

jeongin's gaze shifted from chris' face to the large duffle bag in his hand.

"what's in the bag?" he asked, excitedly.

chris put the bag down on the table and unzipped it. "goodies!"

jeongin squealed. "i love it when you bring goodies!"

"you mean stolen shit." sanghoon entered the living room with a scowl on his face. "you know i hate it when you bring stolen gear into my house."

chris rolled his eyes. "says the man wearing the gucci dressing gown i got only last week."

sanghoon blushed violently. "i-i uh--"

"you both love it when i bring you things," chris said. "no one will ever know it's stolen."

"i hate it when you steal, chan." saghoon sighed. "why can't you put the life of crime behind you. get a real job...find love."

christopher's happy mood deteriorated. "how can i get a job when i have no qualifications? and love...love is pointless!"

"it isn't, chan!" sanghoon exclaimed. "you're going to end up unhappy."

"i'm already unhappy, sanghoon!" chris yelled. "stealing gives my something to do! it fills the empty void in my heart..."

"fill it with something better, chan," sanghoon whispered. "there's always something better out there."

christopher's mind drifted to the blond haired boy he barged past in the alleyway.

"i assure you chan." sanghoon pressed onwards. "there's always something better."

"whatever." chan rolled his eyes. "i'm going to my room. i'm not standing here while you lecture me like a child."

chan stormed off and sanghoon rolled his eyes.

"sometimes you act like a child," sanghoon muttered.

"uh, hoon?"

sanghoon turned around and forced a smile at his younger brother. "yes, innie?"

"can we pick up where we left off?" jeongin gestured to his socked feet. before chan arrived sanghoon was giving jeongin a foot massage.

"yeah." sanghoon smiled genuinely. "then once i'm done it's my turn."

jeongin smiled. "then it'll be chan's turn? he looks like he needs a foot massage."

"he needs more than a foot massage, jeongin," sanghoon murmured. "he needs way more than that."

(📝) NOTE

this book is
going to be under
major editing.
with what's going
on i need to tweak
some things...

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