12 - hate

6 1 0


They told me I would never be enough.

I knew they were right, but it was still rough.

It was difficult to stay true.

It always hurts to stay with you.

You put me through hell and back.

It felt as though I've been attacked.

Your words still hurt.

Your words still burn.

Your words still make me wanna turn.

I want to go and sing all day.

To dance, to spin, to fly away.

I didn't make the mold.

I always break the mold.

And truth betold,

My heart's still cold.

The disrespect I get for helping you.

All this s*** you still put me through.

No pain,

No gain.


Lost brain.

Lost mind.

Out of time.

We're out of sync.

We'll never link.

I will never take the bait.

And I hate to discriminate,

But for you, I give a bad rate.

It's all your fault. You're the one I hate.

to the ones I hate.


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