A Helping Hand

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Lilly couldn't remember laughing so much in a long time. Throughout lunch, she and Randi had ganged up on the unsuspecting male of their team, ribbing him about his obsession. Randi, it turned out, had a knack for turning people's words around on them and provided most of the fun. To his credit, Smit took it well, never taking it too personal while being willing to make fun of himself along the way. A shame Honey wasn't here for this.

Returning to the room, Lilly found it much easier to work on her assignment, cranking out almost a thousand more words than needed. At one point, Honey had sent her a message apologizing and saying they would be out longer than expected. Lilly had fired off a quick acknowledgement but wasn't concerned. Told her she had the whole day off. No need to ask forgiveness for staying out a little late with her friends.

Her partner being so close with their neighbors had been a point of annoyance at first, but the two of them had talked about it a few days ago and come to an agreement. Lilly would be less confrontational with Yang if Honey promised to stop trying to force them together. Considering I already promised to try to be nicer, I really didn't give up anything on that one. Besides, if spending an afternoon with another team made her partner happy, who was she to complain?

Content with the ending of her essay, Lilly saved the draft, vowing to come back to it later for editing. With a quick button press, the system logged off, monitor sliding back down into the desk with a quiet click.

"Finished!" Lilly exclaimed as she jumped out of the chair, nearly toppling it sideways in the process.

Randi shot her a thumbs-up, eyes still glued on the novel Blake had leant her. By the looks of it, she was already nearing the end. Guess Blake's recommendation was a good one. Maybe I should ask to borrow it next. Smit was busy playing some game on his scroll but set it down as a victorious tune played, signaling his victory.

"Finished with what?" Smit asked as he sat up on the edge of his mattress.

"Just typed up my essay for Oobleck's class. Had trouble getting started this morning, but it went pretty quick once I got going."

Smit shook his head in disapproval and groaned, "You really are such a dweeb. He just assigned it yesterday. It isn't even due for a few more days! Why waste a weekend on that?"

Lilly glanced at the scroll beside him, which was making a repetitive chime, likely associated with him gaining experience, loot, or whatever other reward system it used to hook people for hours on end. "You're right," she replied sarcastically. "I could've been doing something so much more productive like you. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Clearly, you're the model student."

"Glad to see you recognize it." As usual, Smit shrugged off her quips in stride. "In my defense, I spent the whole morning training. Pretty sure I earned a little leisure time, thank you very much. What were you up to all morning?" With an eye roll, he added, "If you say you spent it staring at that assignment, I'll have you committed."

Lilly fought off the embarrassed blush, realizing that had been her plan until Randi intervened. Thankfully, that gave her a better excuse. "Actually, Randi and I hung out with Juniper for a while."

Smit's disbelief stung a little as he looked to Randi, who had set her book down at hearing her name and nodded in confirmation. Oh, come on! I'm not that antisocial! Am I? She grumbled at the fact that her own mind was doubting her as well. I just avoid Ruby's team because of Yang. Juniper hangs out with them a lot, so that's always a risk. Cardinal is a bunch of thugs. As the list went on, Lilly paused in realization. Okay, maybe I am that bad.

"I'm guessing the visit was Randi's idea?" Darn him for being such a good guesser. Her lack of answer confirmed Smit's suspicion. "So, Randi, looking for a rematch with Pyrrha already?"

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