To Natsume

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After breakfast Subaru gave Ema a box to take to Natsume.


*knocks* "I'm coming one second," Natsume said. "Hello" Natsume says opening the door. "Oh, hi Ema, what's that box, if I may ask.", Natsume said while letting Ema in. "Oh, it's just something Subaru needed me to bring you." "Please don't tell me he pushed his work on to you." "No he just had a surprise basketball practice that he just found out about this morning." "Okay, well my company just finished this new game we got; I was just sitting down to play it, would you like to join me?" "I'd love to" Ema said excited.
                              (NOW EMA'S POV)

We sat down to play the game and I couldn't help but notice Natsume was shirtless. Im blushing a little and I hope he doesn't notice. Out of all the guys I had to take a package to, did it have to be the guy I'm in love with that probably only thinks of me as a sister. I don't know why I didn't think about my feelings for Natsume when I told him he was only a brother to me. I couldn't confess now because that would be like opening up new wounds, I'm such an idiot sometimes.
                              (NATSUME'S POV)

I know Ema told me how she felt, but I can't stop my feelings for her, maby I shouldn't have asked her to come play the game with me. It would sure give me less of a chance to kiss her, and I don't want to do that again. She has enough to worry about already she doesn't need my burdening feelings. Oh well at least I can control myself unlike Futo and Tsubaki.

                                   (NORMAL POV)

Ema and Natsume began to play the game, but Ema was having a hard time with it...

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