Hard Video Games and Confessions

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Ema was having a hard time with the game since it's controls are different than most games. "Here" Natsume says coming behind Ema and putting his hands over hers on the control. He begins to point out all the different controls, until Ema looks up at him, nothing special, but his heart stops.
                                (EMA'S POV)

How does he know these controls so well, oh wait duh, he helped create it. I bet he's not even looking at the control because he knows it so well. *looks up at him*
                            (NATSUME'S POV )

Ema looked up at me and my heart stopped, the way her hair flipped over so perfectly, her beautiful brown eyes starring at me, I just want to kiss her so bad. I'm going to do it I'm sorry Ema, but your just to amazing for me not to kiss you. I lean in and press my lips against hers.
                              (NORMAL POV)

Natsume leaned in and kissed Ema. "Ema I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that." "Um Natsume...why did you kiss me?" Natsume was now blushing like crazy. "The same reason I did it before, I'm sorry Ema I'm still in love with you." "Y - you love me?" "Yes Ema, I always have." Natsume said looking to the ground with his bangs over his eyes, not able to meet her gaze. "I - I didn't mean it when I told you I didn't feel the same way. I just didn't actually think about you and me because you confessed around the same time the others did, and with finals I just...gave everyone the same answer. I'm sorry and I know you'll hate me for telling now, but I love you." Ema said looking at the ground. That got Natsume to look at her.

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