Chapter Two

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This story is about mental health. if u are going through the same problems that are mentioned in this story, i want you to understand that you are not alone. you can talk 🙂.

Chapter Two
The sound of my alarm rang in my ears but i was already up. I hate that sound, it reminds me that i have to go to school. everyone hates school, it's not like i'm the only one. i sat up and turned off my alarm i got up because i couldn't stay in bed any longer else i would be late for school, i didn't have time for a shower.
Every time i wake up, its like a big tsunami of sadness washing over me. the big waves are way too strong for me to swim back up for air and i am too weak to call out for help so i just stay there. slowly drowning. i don't need help anyway, there's nothing wrong with me.
I looked in the mirror, spots all over my face and my hair looking like i had been dragged through a bush. a single tear slowly rolled down my face as i looked at the monster staring back at me. there was no time for crying now, i had to get out of the house.

Head down. don't make eye contact. you will be ok. that is what i tell myself every time i walk through the main doors of the building otherwise known as hell. my 3 sizes too big jumper made me feel more comfortable. it hid me. it hid me away from judgement. from the reality of the world. from the reality of people's stares when u walk down the corridor. my jumper kept me safe.
i know that it is short but i am a very busy person with school hehe. hope u enjoyed 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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