The Final concert in World Tour 3rd

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Finally saw this band! They were amazing! I can't forget the memories that were made during the concert!

The wait, it wasn't bad. Just the cold. The wait was HELLA long, but I got to meet friends from around the world! During the wait, we saw Mikiko-Sensei! She was taking a photo of the line. She waved to us, but ran across the street and went into the ballroom.

Entering the venue, when I first got in there, I got a TENGUI towel from the WORLD PTA. I found Vivian again and tried to make our way to the door. But, a lot of people were pushing. So, I had to go to another door. Once the security scanned my ticket, I tried to look for a Kashiyuka front row spot, but it was full. I looked over to the right side, and found a Nocchi spot was open. I started running. Once I was close to the spot I aimed for, I was caught by security and they told me to walk. I was close enough to my spot so I followed what they said.

The wait for the show, was amazing, the one hour wait was worth it! I met a few new friends while that was around me too. I also saw some friends who I met outside or from Friday night. My friend Ray, and his friends are known as the "Ebola crew". I was apart of it because I am a marching band member and they always have Ebola, hahahahaha!!!!! A new friend, Carly, was on the left of me. She and I talked about the LA show that was a week ago. I told her how Perfume got me into music. She was quite fascinated by it too. I also met a foreign friend, who's name is Kazz. I didn't know how to spell it out.

The start, oh my freaking gosh... When the music to Enter the Sphere started playing, I fangirled so hard, I knew from then and there, I wasn't dreaming anymore. It was all reality... I saw THEM right behind the curtain... When THEY came out to perform, the curtain that was in front of them, dropped, and it revealed THEM... All my life, I've been seeing them from a computer screen... But, for the First time in Forever (pun intended) I finally see Perfume...

First MC, I was still recovering from the first four songs... Which were Enter the Sphere, Spring of Life (Album-mix), Cling Cling, and Once Room Disco. They already got me hype and happy. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing... I can hardly remember what happened. But, they split half of the venue, including the balcony seating, into two different food names. Kashiyuka's side was "Bagel" and Nocchi's side was "Cupcake". A~Chan said that when she tried a cupcake, she said it was too "Sweet" and that she easily got a sugar rush(?) They chose a female translator and translate what they say in Japanese and she has to say it in English. When Ayaka, our translator translated "If A~Chan could move to New York, she'd live right next to a bagel shop." Apparently, they loved Murray's Bagels. Then suddenly, the word 'Kawaii' burst out of my mouth... Suddenly it happened, A~Chan turned over to me. Nocchi, and Kashiyuka staring at me along with A~Chan. A~Chan said something to me, that I can't remember. Only I can remember is her saying "Kawaii?" In a very questionable tone... I was lost... I couldn't find the words to reply to A~Chan... The venue was quiet for a few moments. I won't forget encountering Nocchi's eyes; widened, and a pretty shade of dark brown then staring back at A~Chan, all I could do was raise my arm in excitement and smile and mumble something under my breath in Japanese. A~Chan raised her arm and smiled at me and said "Arigatou". Nocchi and Kashiyuka smiling with A~Chan. I regret not replying to A~Chan. But, A~Chan understood, that I was nervous.

Interlude, all of the SAMT! It was the Spending all my Time (DL&MM Remix), mixed with the original. Some of my friends say that they took it to "Level 4" hahahaha!!!!!

P.T.A Corner, was so much fun! Perfume had a lot of enthusiasm, despite their long flights to each country, and with different time zones. They also performed Let it Go from Frozen. Also did a little skit where Kashiyuka was Anna, A~Chan was Elsa, and Nocchi was Olaf. They all said together "We love Disney!!" We all cheered! I can't express how fun that was! I had performed a Frozen Medley this past spring and it was great they brought that vibe back to me.

GAME, such badassery went down... It's the only Perfume song that made me feel like a "Hero". As soon as they lit their sabers one by one, I wanted to light mine, but I obviously couldn't bring it in with me. They did amazing movements with the sabers too.

Chocolate Disco, it was the 2012 mix. During this song, is also something I won't forget. A~Chan kept yelling "WOO!!" And "DISCO!!" As I've seen the lives on YouTube, I completely knew, what the girls wanted us to do. While A~Chan was looking at the "Cupcake side" I looked at her, and formed a heart with my hands. She took notice of my hand heart. She smiled, and secretly exchanged her heart-formed hands for mine. Now, that could've been anyone she could've gave that heart to. But, she gave it to me. Nocchi and Kashiyuka was staring off into the "Bagel side" . It felt like we were a couple, exchanging valentines on valentines day.

ENCORE, dangit! Wish it wouldn't end that quickly... First they started off with FAKE IT. I jumped so much my calves hurt hahaha! But, they didn't perform FAKE IT after the PTA Corner. When they left, they went backstage, waiting for their fans to yell for an Encore. When they did come back out, they performed My Color, wanting us to do their hand movements with them. I did, I had to, this was the last song of the night. I had to make the best of it. Near the end, I noticed Kashiyuka and A~Chan crying... I wanted to cry with them, but, excitement prevents me from doing so. I made many attempts for Kashiyuka to notice my hand heart to her, when she came to Nocchi's side. I'm unsure if she noticed or not. She did indeed look, but didn't give me a sign that she saw it or not.

Final goodbye, A~Chan started off their final words to us, then Kashiyuka, finally Nocchi. I couldn't take it, it ended in two hours... A~Chan told the audience she had spoken a lot of Japanese, and was unsure if we understood. Then there was a difficult situation with her, she stumbled for a moment, trying to gather English words to say to us. A~Chan said, "I'm so happy to share this moment, with everyone." then finally, "Please keep loving Perfume!". Then they the stage... I promised them, I'd see them again...

Special ENCORE, everyone was starting to leave. A fan near me wondered what our cue was to start singing. I replied to her, "Just wing it, we can do it." We yelled together, "1,2,3,4" and then started singing our chosen encore song, Dream Land, we all messed up. But, A~Chan thanked us for singing the song.

I left happy... I couldn't express how I felt when I got the goods I wanted, which were a World Tour t-shirt, an LGS14 PTA t-shirt, a towel, a knit cap, and the tumbler, being noticed by A~Chan twice, having a small conversation with her, and many others. I want to see them again for sure! See you Again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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