Chapter 9? Yea

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I woke up to Aleks screaming.
"And what would he do if I just slapped him across the face!?"
Shit, this was what I was scared of. I didn't want him to know. Kevin got up and walked upstairs.
"How can I fucking calm down?!" Aleks continued to yell.
I got up and walked half way up the stairs before I heard Kevin yell.
I walked back downstairs and sat in a black chair. Somebody came downstairs and I didn't bother to look.
"He said he wants to see you, in his room." Kevin whispered.
I got up and walked upstairs to Aleks' room. He was already in there and he was staring out the window.
"Why the hell did he do that to you?"
I shrugged.
"Ember, tell me." He walked closer.
"I-I don't know why." I whispered.
"Just go see if there's a room that you could stay in, or just share a room with one of the guys. You obviously don't have enough money to go get an apartment of your own." He said.
I nodded and rubbed my cheek. "Is that all?"
He nodded and grabbed my arm.
"Don't ever, let someone treat you like that."
I nodded and walked out of his room. I walked downstairs and sat at the table put my head in my hands and wanted to die. My stomach growled and I got up looking in the freezer. Bacon! I found two packages of it and started cooking. I fixed one pack before everyone came down and sat at the table, ready for bacon.
"If you want some, you're gonna have to set the table."
Everyone went to work and I finished the other package by the time they were finished. I also fixed some pancakes and gave two to each person. They all ate a lot and I just ate a pancake and a few pieces of bacon.
"Thank you Ember for this delicious meal!" Dexter sang.
I laughed and finished up eating. I took a shower after that and cleans my face really good. My cheek was a little bruised but it didn't hurt that bad. After the shower I got dressed in some gray pants, a nobs 4 lyf shirt, and my combat boots. Aleks came towards me when I came downstairs and immediately looked at my cheek and lips.
"So have you found out who you want to stay with out of all of these men?" He asked pointing at all but him.
He must not want to share a room with me, Oh well.
"Seamus, I can trust him. No offense, but I'm going with Seamus."
Everyone groaned and Seamus laughed.
"Get prepared to get the most sarcastic comments of all." Aleks said.
He wasn't that sarcastic.
"I'll help you get all of your stuff inside." Seamus said.
We went to the van and pulled out my computer, Xbox, ps4, my Nintendo boxes, and my clothes box. It wasn't that much. I just stacked the Nintendo box in the corner of Seamus' room and we shared a closet. I put my Xbox an ps4 into the other room and set up my computer next to his. He only had one bed, but I was ok with that.
"That surprisingly only took us an hour." I said.
"Yup! Now, what do you want to do?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, "Go shopping for random shit that we don't need?"
He nodded and we left. At first we went to the video game shop but found nothing and then we went to Costco. We bought a lot of junk and I bought a value box of 100 packs of gum. We were just driving around until,
"Want to go get smoothies?" Seamus asked me.
We parked next to the smoothie shop and walked in.
"Blueberry with some strawberry please!" I ordered.
Seamus ordered the same and we sat down next to the window with our smoothies.
"So, are you looking for a job?" He asked me.
"Yea, I need to make some money."
He held up a sign that said 'HELP WANTED'.
"Yea!!" I said and ran to the cashier.
"Hello, I just noticed your sign up there," I pointed to Seamus who was dancing with the sign "and couldn't stop wondering if I could try out for the job?"
"Sure! Let me just have you do some stuff." The lady said.
After I had finished taking all of the tests, I got my results.
"I got the job!" I ran to Seamus.
We danced together and got glares.
"So, when do you start?" He asked.
"Once I'm finished with school. Then they'll get me in as fast as they can!"
We drove to the house and celebrated with everyone.
"Yay!! So what will your paycheck be each week?" Jordan asked.
"Umm, they said around a hundred to two hundred. Their smoothies are expensive and a lot of people like them! Plus, there's only two other co-workers that I have. The smoothie blender dude and the cashier lady. I'll be working on blending the smoothies."
They all stared at me.
"Well, I'll just go downstairs an make a video." I backed away and got my camera.
I opened it and began recording.
"Hullo all of my people. I am making this little video because I just recently moved! I am in this amazing house with some amazing people but I won't show you who until I post this and do a tour, that's what I'll be doing today, and if somebody guesses it right, HORAY FOR THEM. Ok let's get started."
All of the guys stayed behind me and I did a tour of their huge house. After that it was around 5:41 so we decided to play another game of truth or dare.
"Aleks truth or dare?" Dan started.
"Are you dating someone?"
God damnit.
"Yea, and she's perfect. I actually think she's the one." He looked over at me but I didn't look back.
"Who?!" Jordan asked.
"Well, he name is Domi. I can call her if you want me to!" He replied excited.
Everyone agreed that he should except me. He called her and then when he was finished I took his phone and ordered pizza. Four actually.
"She's here." Dexter whispered.
Aleks ran to the door and opened it. A girl jumped into his arms and he spun her around, kissing her. She turned around and looked at all of us and then me last. She was the girl that Dominick was cheating on me with. A knock came from the door and they all moved away from it.
"I'll get it!!" I screamed and ran towards it.
Kevin reached it before me but I pushed him aside and opened it.
"Hey, thought that I could see you just one more time." Dominick said.
"You aren't welcome here."
I looked at Kevin and Dominick stared at him.
"So, was she cheating on me too?" He questioned Kevin.
"Nope, you were the one who cheated on me. Now," I grabbed the pizzas "Get off of this property or I'll call the police."
"You still have to pay."
"I said get off or have me call the police."
He walked off of the porch and then into his car and he was gone.
"There's you pizza." I dropped it into the circle everybody was sitting in and then ran downstairs.
How bad can this week get? Somebody knocked on the door and then came in. Her perfume filled the room, I don't even want to look at her.
"Listen, I know that he cheated on both of us and that oh weren't too pleased with it but calm the fuck down. You need to learn how to handle your god damn problems." She said.
"Let's make up. Friends?"
I looked at her hand and then shook it. She squeezed it and looked into my eyes.
"I don't want you telling Aleks anything about this, if you do, you'll end up in the hospital. Besides, he wouldn't believe a slut like you."
She walked out of the room and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I cried quietly until Seamus walked into the room.
"Listen, you need to eat." He gave me a plate of pizza.
"I don't need to. What if he poisoned it? You'll all die."
I looked a him and he set it down on the desk.
"What did she tell you?"
I looked up at him and then shrugged it off. I can't tell anyone.
"She just told me that everything is going to be fine." I smiled at him.
I knew my smile screamed fake at him, but at least it will give him time to leave me alone.
"Ok, I'll just tell everyone that you wanted to he to bed early. I hope that you an get things figured out around here. I actually like you being here." He walked off.
Fuck, how the hell is that supposed to make me feel better.

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