Chaptr 11

30 1 7

I woke up at the foot of Eddie's bed with my guitar in hand.
"Did you know that you sleep talk?" He blurted.
I looked behind me and saw him staring at me.
"Yea, it happens a lot."
He laughed and I laughed too.
"Get uuuupppp!! We need to eat and you need to go to work, it's almost one." He groaned.
"Why didn't you assholes wake me up earlier?!"
I jumped up and ran to my room. I changed into my smoothie shirt, jeans, and I grabbed my apron and hat.
"Are you going to go?" Aleks asked.
"Just waiting for Eddie, why?"
"Because I thought you were gone. Do you want me to drive you?"
I shook my head but he still grabbed Eddie's keys.
"Are you going to drive?"
I shook my head "Seamus doesn't want me to until I can pay for any damages."
He laughed but walked out the door and I followed closely behind. He got into Effie's car and I got in the passengers seat. We drove off and he dropped me off at my smoothie hut. It was horrible inside.
"WITHOUT HER YOU GUYS WOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS!! You need to learn to work!" My boss yelled.
I smiled and walked into the hit and got to work. I opened the store and after eight hours of working, nobody was there to get me.
"Hey I was wondering if you could come pick me up or send Aleks down. Eddie, this is Ember. I'm off of work and I need someone to pick me up. Can you please reply I've sent you like four messages." I said and sent the message.
After about forty more minutes of no one being here it started to get dark and so I just walked off. I knew the way back to the house so I guess I was ok with walking. I still didn't feel safe though. A car stopped by me right before I left and the window rolled down.
"Hey, you stuck?" Domi asked.
I nodded, "Yea, Aleks or Eddie we-"
"Aleks? Oh aren't hanging out with my boyfriend are you?!" She was pissed.
"N-no!" I quickly said.
"You're nothing more than a whore are you? That'll never change." She smiled.
I wanted to cry. She drove off without me and I just walked in the direction of the house. A few tears escaped my eyes but I wiped them away.
"Hey, you lost girl?" A man asked.
Shit, am I really gonna get jumped?
"Nope! Close to home anyway." I said.
I murmured the last part and my wrist was grabbed.
"Want a ride?"
I looked at his face and he was an older man. I whipped away my hand and he came closer. He pushed me against the wall of the bakery.
"Want to take this somewhere else?" His breath stink of alcohol.
"N-no!" I whimpered.
He pushed himself against me and I started wriggling around. I got free but he chased me into an alley way.
"Now, that wasn't so nice was it?" He asked.
"No! It wasn't!" I said and he lunged a me.
I was under him and he started to unbutton my pants. I screamed and pushed his far ass off of me. I got up and ran. I just ran. I didn't know where I was going. I just wanted to get away from that freak. I ran and slipped.
"New some help?" He asked.
"Shit!" I yelled and got up and started running.
"Come here pretty. Or do you want to be a whore and fight for it. Is that what you are a whore?" He asked.
I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Maybe I could end it for ya! Just a little kill then I can have my ways. You'd look more pretty while dead." He whispered just barely for me to hear.
I was breathless. Was he really saying I should die.
"Do you have a lover? Or does anyone care anymore?" He asked.
A tear fell down my cheek.
"No I don't have a fucking lover." I hissed.
"Oh, the dead girl knows how to talk dirty." He said.
I laughed out of sadness. A few more tears fell down my cheek. Is that why Domi left me alone? So I could die? Should I die? I took a few more steps and he grabbed my wrists. I turned around and moved my hands away from him.
"Shut the hell up!"
"Just die!"
"Shut the fuck up!!" I hissed.
"Kill yourself! It'll make the world a happier place." He came closer.
"You asshole!" I yelled and ran off.
I ran until I couldn't anymore. I turned into another alley and sat behind a trash can. I couldn't hold it in. I rubbed my back against the wall and slid down. Tears ran down my face and didn't care to wipe them off. I quietly cried into my hands.
Was he right? Should I end it? Why am I even thinking this? Why did Aleks leave me? Why didn't anyone come to get me from work?
These thoughts ran through my mind as I quietly cried. When I had the strength to get up I ran to the house. When I got there it was 11:19. I wiped my tears from my eyes and walked in. On the couch was Aleks and Domi making out. I wanted to scream at him, but I couldn't. I turned to go to my room and could feel their eyes staring at me. I closed the door behind me and cried into my pillow. After a few minutes, I changed into a tank top and some short shorts. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Domi: go to hell you ruined it kill yourself you fucking whore
I cried more and couldn't stand it. I got up and walked into the bathroom.
(Warning: shit happens here)
I shut and locked the door behind myself. The razors seemed to scream at me. Maybe I just needed to go. First it was Dominick, second Aleks dating Domi, third everyone forgetting me, fourth Domi leaves me, fifth I almost get raped, sixth two people tell me to kill myself , sixth I come home to my best friend making out with an ass, and last nobody even asked me if I was ok and where I was when I got here. I sat in the tub and grabbed my razor. Looking down at my wrists, I put the blade do my skin. I pushed and pulled. The warm fluid flowed off of my arm and I cut once more. The tub was red with my blood. I put my wrist on my stomach and watched it leak into my shorts and top. I grabbed the razor and put it on my wrist once more and pulled. I cried a little but kept it quiet. My hands ended up going to my wrist and I felt the cuts. I'm going to be dead soon. I bled more and watched it flow down the drain. Is this what I want? A knock came from the door.
"Hey, it's Aleks. Domi went home and Eddie went to go visit his mother. I know you're in here. Please open up." He said.
I laughed and he tres to open the door.
"Ember! Open up! Now!" He yelled.
"I hope you hurt like hell because I'm going to die!!" I laughed.
He pounded on the door and yelled my name.
"EMBER!! OPEN UP RIGHT NOW!!" He yelled at me.
My vision started to go blurry and I could barely move. My eyes closed and the last thing I saw was the door opening and Aleks running to the tub. I don't know if I'm alive or dead.

(Hey, sorry if this seemed sad to you but I just wanted to do one that would make this seem like a sad story or something.)

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