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Ishimaru knocked on Mondo's door, standing outside. He checked his watch; he was early by 30 minuets. 'Better early than late!' He repeated in his head.

Mondo looked over to his front door, knowing exactly who it would be waiting for him. 'That cute nerd, always way too damn early. I'm too tired for this shit!'

Ishimaru beamed when the door opened. "HELLO MONDO!" He greeted loudly, having his hands neatly placed at his sides.

Mondo huffed. "Do you really need to be so damn early...?" He let Ishimaru in reluctantly.

"It's better to be early than late! And I need to set a good example for you, fellow classmate!" Ishimaru chimed as he walked through the door. He examined every corner and wall.

"Don't make yourself too comfortable..." Mondo warned threateningly, taking of his large jacket.

"That's no way to treat a guest!" Ishimaru scoffed, still examining the walls. After a couple seconds of silence, he was done looking around. "SO! What should we do?"

Mondo looked back at his room. "I probably have some shit in my room..?" He offered, walking into his room and Ishimaru walking closely behind.

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