Chapter 1 (Day 1)

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  Adara stared out onto the battlefield from her high perch on the cliff's edge, the dark patches of burned earth littered the field that once bloomed with flowers the color of ice on the few lakes they had nearby. She took a deep breath of the warm polluted air, her chest was filled with spite for the Phoenix kingdom for carrying out the war between their people for so long.

  Adara patted Brimstone on the neck softly, her scales that shimmered in the morning sun perked in attention to her rider's touch. "Come Brim, we must go see the King." The dragon stretched her wings out from her  body and lifted herself and Adara easily into the ash tainted sky. Adara stared at the battlefield again with a sadness that has made a home of Adara's bones, settled in deep, that hasn't gone away since she knew what war was to her and how it hurt her people. The hot, dry air hit Adara's face an forced her to her senses. She coughed. 

  Brimstone took her down to the palace, landing carefully on a ledge. Adara climbed off and stroked Brimstone's face softly, "Go and find something to eat, I don't think I'll need your service again today Brim." The dragon snorted and lifted herself again into the darkened sky.

  Adara walked into the palace, her cape behind her, she looked straight ahead with her kohl lined eyes. Adara walked into the king's chambers and bowed slightly, "Father what is our next move?"

  The king look at Adara, "Has the field been taken by the enemy?"

  Adara shook her head, "We still have the field and the hundred miles that surround us."

  The king smiled, "The enemy is becoming weak." He chuckles a little and sips at a drink he'd been nursing since he woke up, "Good. I hate this war as much as my subjects. Well, keep them back and reclaim the territories they have taken if you can."

  Adara bowed, "Thank you my king for your wise advice." She walked out with a bitter taste in her mouth.

  "Adara?" The King called after her.

  Adara turned, "Yes father?"

  "Would you do anything to stop this war?" The king asked with a layer of emotion under every word.

  Adara's face became solem, "I will avenge my mother and stop the war that killed her."

  The king nodded, his hand waving her away, dismissing her again. "Goodnight my child."    

  "Goodnight father." Adara walked to her chambers to get some rest before the horror of war woke her again tomorrow.


  Branton growled deep in his throat and thrust his sword towards his opponent. Cole dodged his attack and pared it away with a grunt. "You bastard!" Branton cursed.

  "Get better and maybe you be able to land a hit!" Cole shot back blocking a blow. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet and shook the sweat off him like a wet dog dog. He looked through his curtin of platinum blond hair and smirked, "You're doing better than last time. We've ended in a stalemate."

  Branton grunted and sheathed his sword at his hip and said through a heavy sigh, "A stalemate still isn't a victory."

  Cole smirked, "Lighten up will you. Everyone seems so down lately."

  Branton shot him a look, "We're in the thicket of a War and we're planning a very risky attack, everyone's nervous because if it isn't executed perfectly then thousands will die."

  Cole frowned, "I just wanted to make you feel better..."

  Branton rolled his eyes and threw his arm around Cole's broad shoulders, "I know, I'm just not it the mood to feel better." He packed up his gear and polished his armor, as heir to the crown he felt the responsibility of victory like a heavy burden on his back.

  Cole dressed again in his robes and smiled at Branton, "I wouldn't worry too much over our army. We are the best around."

  Branton smiled, "I guess so. Thanks Cole. Goodnight."

  "Goodnight Prince Branton."

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