Chapter 33 (Day 16/7)

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"I thought you said you were going to hu-." Branton looks her up and down, "you look wonderfully perfect." He shakes his head, "I mean perfectly wonderous," he smiles bashfully, "you look beautiful."

Adara grins in delight, "you look good too." His dark hair was pulled out of his face in a organized fashion, much different than the way he normally wears it, his robe was dark red and brings out the red tinted of his lips. He took care when dressing, Cole must've helped him. Adara smiles at him, "what do you want to do today?"

"Why don't we go for a walk?" He suggests.

Adara smiles, "alright." She guides him through a few hallways before exiting the castle to the castle grounds. The grass tickles Adara's ankles and flowers grow beside the path. Branton takes her hand in his and they walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Then Branton begins to whistle in a low voice a song Adara remembers from when her governess made her recite. In a soft voice she follows is tune with the words;

Oh my gardens, go on, grow
Color my grounds until the first snow
I'll pluck the few good blooms
Put it in my lady's hair
I'll send out my servants because you need to be groomed
I'll make my garden beautiful and fair.

Some of you will shrivel away
Blooms disappear, some stay
I will take the good ones
Place them in my house
For the flowers that go and run
I'll feed your children to the mouse

I am your master
The beautiful blooms will cast her
I care not you might die
I care no you could be harmed
My beautiful garden where my lady lies
Soft and quiet, not to be alarmed

"I didn't know you could sing. Nor that you knew this song." Branton said when the song was finished. The tips of his ears were pink with embarrassment.

Adara shrugged, "no one ever said I was good. I just assumed my voice was bad."

Branton looked over at her, "your voice is as heavenly as your presence."

Adara snickered, she stopped suddenly, "it has just occurred to me that you haven't had any meals at our dinning hall."

Branton nodded, "yes, I was wondering if you even eat together here."

Adara shot him a look, "did you think we eat on the floor, passing scraps to the mice?"

Branton shook his head, "no, I just wasn't sure if you all just ate in your rooms."

Adara snickered, "I usually eat breakfast in my room, the only meal we really eat together is dinner. Which is why I am inviting you to dinner tonight."

Branton grinned, "alright, dinner."

Adara smiled, "let me warn you, we dress up for dinner, it is a tradition my mother started."

Branton nodded, "alright." He brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her hand. "do you want to learn how to whistle?" He asks, his voice tender.

Adara smiled at him and hugs him, "only if you want to teach me."

Branton smiled sadly down at her, "I want to teach you. Come on, I think I see a good place where we can sit down." He guides her over to a flat rock Adara remembers playing games on with her mother. She feels grief pull her stomach as she sits down. Branton's own eyes held a sadness Adara wished she could kiss away. He smiles at her, "ok, pucker your lips." She does as he says. He touches her bottom lip, "relax this a little." She does. "Alright, now blow air out, pointing down." She does and she whistles quietly, she grins at him. He smiles and kisses her lips, "now you have to practice making different notes, I'm not sure how to teach you that. But you can whistle now."

Adara wraps her arms around his waist and smiles up at him, "thank you Branton."

He kisses her lips, "your welcome darling."

Dragon PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora