Chapter 37 (Day 16/7)

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Adara could not deny for a second that she loved being held by him, she loved the way his arms wrapped around her and how they didn't feel like a cage, rather a blanket on a cold day. She loved the heat of his skin on hers, and even though she was scared, she felt loved at the same time. She loved this feeling of being loved. Adara enjoyed how periodically he'd kiss the back of her neck, right on her spine and let his lips linger. She knew how he felt now, she knew he loved her. She also knew she loved him. With loving him came one of her country's most well kept secret...

"Branton..." She said in a soft voice.

Branton's arms moved around her, holding himself to her, "I don't want you to get up," he whined.

Adara smiled, "Branton, that's not what I was going to say."

Branton snuggled into the nape of her neck, his lips neck to her ear, "then what do you wish to say dearest?"

Adara moved closer to him, "I have to tell you something you mustn't repeat. Swear on your father's grave you won't repeat it."

Branton moved away slightly, "why would I need to do that?"

Adara looked at him with a pleading look in her eyes, "it's very important."

Branton studied her for a moment before he said, "Alright... I swear on my father's grave I will not repeat what you say next."

Adara nodded, "I am the only one that can fly the dragons."

Branton's mouth fell open, "B-but.... that can't be true." he shook his head, "I've seen dragon fleets before."

Adara shook her head, "Because I am the only one that can fly them, I am also the dragon chosen. It's been that way since my mother died. Like the people, the dragons loved my mother, when she died they wouldn't let anybody fly them but me. I can command whole fleets."

Branton gave her a frantic look, "If my mother were to find out she'd send assassins to kill you so she could win the war!"

She nodded, "Which is why she must never, ever find out."

He sighed, "why are you telling me this when it could endanger your life? The lives of your people?" His eyes searched hers. They didn't have to search far before he understood. His eyes widened and he moved closer to her, "You-you don't really... do you?" Branton cringed at the hope in his voice.

Adara kissed his chin, "I love you Branton."

Branton shook his head, "no, maybe you think you do." His heart tore. "You can't possibly love me."

Fear hit her first, then anger, "What do you mean I can't possibly love you?!" She pulled away from him, sitting up on the loveseat. "You can't decide what I can or cannot do or feel." Tears filled her eyes, "of course I love you. Why wouldn't I?"

Branton shook his head again, putting his head in his hands, "I'm not saying it in that way. I just... I just don't really think someone can really love me is all. I'm a monster Adara, a monster who was more than ready to kill women and children." Branton shook his head, his breaths becoming strangled, "I am a monster Adara, people don't love monsters."

Adara hurried to him and took his face in her hands, "You are NOT anywhere close to a monster. You are the best man I know and I love you. You marched because you didn't have the choice, that's why I knew I could give you one. I had a feeling you weren't the monster they made you out to seem. And I was never more right in my whole life!" She turned to him, chest to chest, "I love you Branton, despite our past and the feud between our kingdoms. I love your gentleness, I love how your eyes look in the setting sun." Her eyes pleaded with his, "I love you."

Branton looked at her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, tears touched her skin, "I love you too dearest. I love you." His shoulders heaved with the sobs that racked his body. He pulled back just enough to kiss her lips, salt on his skin.

She moved against him, a nervous tickle bubbling in her stomach, working its way to her chest. She pulled back and put a hand on his chest and looking him in the eyes, suddenly he understood. He pulled her to his chest and just held her, rubbing her back soothingly, not saying anything as she tried to call the anxiety that ran through her. She took deep breaths and screwed her eyes shut, "B-branton," she sputtered. 

He looked down at her, concerned, "what do you need dearest? Would you like some water, I'll get you some.."

Adara shook her head, "I-I can't believe I said that."

He positioned himself and cleared his throat, "did you not mean it?"

Fear grabbed her, "of course, I mean.. no.. I meant every word. I can't believe I had the courage to."

Branton chuckled, "you're one of the bravest women I've met."

Adara wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his face, "thank you dear."

Branton grinned, "you're welcome."

Adara smiled and touched his face lightly, "You are going to be a good King. And a good father."

Branton became very serious. "I will try to be, for you."

Adara relaxed into him again, "we should go to bed soon, we have to get our rest."

Branton sighed, "Give me a minute and I'll escort you."

Adara kissed his nose, "a moment? What for?"

  He sighed, "my heart is racing too fast."

"I'll leave that to you." she kissed him quickly and walked out into the hall while he tried to force the air back into his lungs.

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