Interlude 3 -- Happy Valentine's Day!!

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Requiem, A Tasmanian Tradition

(In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share one of the holidays celebrated in Coronella!)

What is Tasmane?

Beyond Coronella, the settlements, and the eastern bounds of the continent Sapeeri; across the treacherous waters of The Honeycomb Ocean, The Federal Republic of Tasmane stretches from shore to shore, spanning forests and mountains and countless cities. Tasmane was united during the decades of The Fallout. The long war had drained its resources and manpower, and with its glorious end came a period of calm to the infant nation.


After a long strain, the war was won and the enemy decimated, and the soldiers and generals of Tasmane were finally allowed distance and solitude. The chants of triumph and glory were gone from the streets, a memory in the flags and banners that remained, and the recruitment posters glued to the walls. It was time for night winds to howl and footsteps to echo. It was time for a Requiem of the lost and, in the coming years, a time for Sandra Owen's voice to permeate the streets as she sung her mournful tune over the radio. A song of love, grief, and broken pride.

The 34th of Tar, the day the final troops were sent home, became known as The Day of Requiem, a time of peace and quiet, of family and comfort, across all of Tasmane.

The Coronellian Integration

For centuries the tradition continued, modernized and economized by the Tasmanian people, and as their presence and culture in Coronella became more and more prominent, Requiem was officially declared a holiday by the Coronellian government.

Though its core remains the union of family, the patriotic roots of the Coronellian way warped that into a competition among the settlement's Founding Families, turning Requiem into a large scale reminder of their greatness. Competitions are held, hunting races, and festivals all throughout Coronella.

There are those who remember the somber roots of The Day of Requiem, a day of remembrance and gratitude, but as the modern take goes, it's merely a festival of annual contests, disguised under the virtues of family and love.  

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