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I pulled up to Louis flat and since ashton could walk now so he waddled in and louis looked confused.

I walked in side set down the car seats and hugged him.

"You know something lou?" I whispered.

"What sis?" He asked.

"If i'd have just been a nicer person in high school, i wouldn't feel so much pain now," I cried.

"That's not true, everyone will feel pain in their lives it doesn't matter what you did or 'who' you did, happiness will find its way," He laughed.

"Thank you boobear," I smiled.

"He's with demi, isn't he?" he frowned.

"Yeah," i whispered. "Lou i don't want anymore pain."

"I know," he sighed.

"Leave him," he finally said.

I looked over to my kids and wondered, what would that do to them? growing up without their dad.

"Lou, i'd have nobody,"

"You'd have me,okay?"

"Okay," i sighed.

I laughed realizing we just quoted 'the fault in our stars'.

"Lou?" I asked looking at my fingers.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"When will everyone realize, the mistakes i've made, shouldn't be remembered,i screwed up and i know that but do they have to criticize me?"

He gave me a huge hug that time.

"You only need one person, to believe in you, love you,make you happy and laugh with you," He smiled.

"I had that Louis, but it all got destroyed when someone better walked in the picture,"

"Let's go somewhere," He said.

"Where?" I laughed.

"Somewhere, where nobody can judge us," He smiled wide.

"The kids," i paused.

"Take em' with," he laughed.

"tweet something one last time," he said.

I got out my phone and went on twitter.

@Jessi_Tommo: Some day you'll find me, but it will be too late.

I hit tweet and logged off.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"I need my things, their at the house," I paused. "we need to go back."

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