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Name: Cassius Verona

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Name: Cassius Verona

Nickname: Cass, Cassie

Gender: Male

Age: (depends on RP) 17+

Sexuality: Umm...queer...possibly bisexual?

Birthday: March 2nd

Era: (depends on RP)

[patient, kind, hopeless romantic, shy, embarrassed easily, caring, protective]
Cass is super kind and sweet and absolutely loves people to death. He spoils the people he's close to as much as he possibly can whether it be with cuddles or words or gifts! He loves to see his loved ones happy. It gives him joy. But first you've got to get to know him. He can come off as very shy at first. He has anxiety, so can sometimes succumb to panic attacks and might seem to overreact or be ridiculously sensitive to some things. One thing his mom taught him: Don't be afraid to cry. And he cries a lot, so thankfully that message rubbed off on him. No matter how much his dad tries to squish it out of him, he is still such a softy. He's not the smartest kid you'll meet and can be kind of dense or oblivious at times (*cough* a lot) but he hopes his kindness makes up for it. He's also a hopeless romantic and can get very sappy and excited. He will give you a speech-a declaration of love. If he's in love, he's way in love and he will go to the ends of the world for you. He isn't really self-reliant, though he tries to be responsible. He can't stand up for himself either, and sort of just lets himself get stepped on sometimes, but as I said, is very protective of his sister and loved ones. He's strong, so at least that's something in his favor. He's also very patient, and though scared easily sometimes (Thanks anxiety), he tries to stay calm when someone he loves is angry or scared. He just wants to help. He truly is sweet and usually doesn't have trouble showing emotion, though sometimes it feels like he's being forced and blocks it up, especially if loved ones are troubled themselves. Their happiness is his happiness. And when it comes to girls-well, he's not the dominant one in the relationship, that's for sure. He's very submissive and gets embarrassed easily. He doesn't think he can flirt either-most of the time, yeah, he's right-but sometimes he can surprise himself. He's one of those people who secretly likes getting embarrassed by his lover-but you know you'll find out more about that later...

So this guy you can't see the face, but this is basically his hair, blond of course and wavy and very, very soft hehe.

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