Chapter 10

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Grayson put me down and turned towards the little office set up adjacent to Ethan's room. He retrieved a key and unlocked Ethan's room. I took careful notes of everything. I would need this to get Ethan out of here. I didn't even know how I'd get him out.

"Nothing major. We wanted to keep him alive. So that your family can have the justice they deserve. I mean what good is it that you know the truth but your family and the rest of the world don't? " Grayson walked over to Ethan's drip, flicked it a few times and looked back at me. I was surprised that Ethan was awake because he didn't move, or say anything. He just starred at me. So helpless.

I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible.
"What's wrong?" Grayson walked back towards me.

"I'm just overwhelmed. With gratitude and just, I never thought the day would come, not to mention how quickly. I'm just so happy, I barely know what to do with myself." I grabbed him and hugged him while I winked at Ethan, mouthing. 'I'm gonna save you'. Hoping that he would understand what was going on. He looked like a vegetable. He didn't move. His face barely had any expression.

"Ah honey! Of course. This is all for you. I wouldn't do half of it for anyone else." Grayson kissed my cheek. It took everything in me to accept it and smile.

I walked over to Ethan. The sound of the machine indicated he had a heartbeat but I couldn't help but ask... "Is he even alive?"

"Yeah, he's just really high right now. Can't say that I'm not a little jealous. Well Jamie, everything is up to you now. How do you wanna play this out? We can go to the police station and give them the file?"

"No!" Grayson was taken aback.

"I mean, no, I want him to lie here a little longer. It's what he deserves. I just need some time to read through everything. Then to tell my parents and then I'll call you and we can take it from there. I just need a little more time Gray." I took his hand.

Just then Benji burst in.

"The boss wants you!" He barked at Grayson.

"Oh, uhm. Jamie, stay here. I'll be right back." Grayson was gone before I could answer.

This was my opportunity. I waited for the sound of the door locking. To be honest I was scared that I would be locked up in here too but I couldn't think about that now.
I considered that there might be camera's that were set up to monitor Ethan so I paced up and down the room until I spotted one.

I turned my back towards it and looked at Ethan. I tried to mouth some sentences or words to him but he was so unresponsive that I soon gave up. In the meantime I tried to think of how we'd get him out.

It obviously wasn't going to happen tonight but at least the trip was fruitful. I had a lot of information to work with. I just hoped I could relay everything correctly to Amber.


A good few minutes passed before Grayson returned. I began to think the worst. But just as I was going to investigate, he entered the room.

"Uh, we should go. It's getting late. I don't want to upset your parents by bringing you home late." Grayson pulled his hand through his hair as he spoke. He then took my hand and led me out of the building without another word with somewhat worrying urgency. As we passed one of the doors I heard a man speaking in a hushed voice. I couldn't make out the words but he seemed to be pleading. A familiar voice then asked in a chilling calmness, "Where's my money, Chad?"  Chad didn't answer, but the last thing I heard as Grayson yanked me along, was the breaking of furniture and cries for mercy.

I hated the fact that I would need to keep up this charade with Grayson. He was evil and so were the people he so greatly admired. I was tempted to tell him exactly how I felt and what I knew. But Ethan's face, his pale bruised body, was branded to the inside of my eyelids and saving him became my motivation to carry on.

We didn't speak until Grayson pulled up to my driveway. I broke the silence.

"What is the 640? What do you guys do?" I turned towards him, waiting for his response. He took several breaths before starting.

"We're a family... A society of people Jamie. That are just trying to make the world a better place. There's so much crime, so much murder in the world, innocent families get torn apart by criminality everyday. We're just here to stop that, to prevent unnecessary and cruel deaths." Grayson's eyes glazed over again the way they usually did when he spoke.

"And how do you guys do that?"

"Supplying... Protection... For the people who need it most. " Grayson spoke slowly and carefully.


"Weapons Jamie. Guns, ammunition, and so forth. We have sort of a underground trade going on. Allowing people like your brother, even your family, to be fully protected from people like my brother."

"How do you know you're not selling to criminals Grayson? How do you know you're not selling to the worlds Ethan's who continue to slaughter the world's Kyle's? How do you know?" I became irate as I spoke. Grayson placed his hand on my knee and I hit it off. I wasn't having it I couldn't stand him.

"I'm not involved in the minutia of the organization but they have a system. Also there are certain requirements needed in order for the weapons to be sold to you. It's a very complicated system." Grayson tried to explain but I was done for the night. I clenched my file and got out of the car and stormed into the house. My mother, in the lounge, had waited up for me but I continued straight up the stairs and into my room, locking the door.

My mother tried to ask Grayson what had happened but he was gone before she made it out the door.

All I could do now was call Amber.

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