Chapter 16

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"Are you safe?" Were Grayson's first words.

"I can't really say, I was kidnapped for goodness sake!" I sat under the covers, my tummy in knots.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would come to this." He signed. Confident Grayson seems to be a rouse.

"Why haven't you contacted me? It's been so long. You just disappeared." It hurt to hear his voice, to have the circumstances be so extreme before he'd even talk to me.

"There are reasons for my silence. I can't talk about it over the phone Jamie. But once I'm done dealing with this guy I'll come speak to you. There's a lot to discuss." Desperation coated his voice and it sent a pang straight into my heart.

"He's gonna kill you Grayson. I don't think you should do this." I didn't even know what to say at this point. Everything had become some type of nightmare. Everyone I loved was in danger.

"He won't kill me, but he won't hesitate to kill you. That's why I have to go."

"Let me go with you then."

"Why would you ever think I'd let that happen?" Grayson almost laughed at the absurdity of my suggestion.

"Seeing that you're so confident that you're not gonna die, I don't see why not." I imagined him running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"It's just not a good idea, you'd get in the way. I need to take care of myself, I don't want to be worried about you as well." He hung up.

I sighed. I was going to have to end this. But how?

I sat, head in hands and trying to think of a plan.


"Hay Jay! How's the vaycay going?" Amber sounded oddly cheerful.

"Amber! Do you still have the files about Wilson's business, the evidence that he's laundering money?" It was urgent, I had no time to diddle daddle.

"Yes, why? Are you in trouble?" Her tone took a serious turn.

"I need you to print them and take it down to the police station. Tell them everything. " I was practically out of breath.

"I thought we didn't want to involve police till the end?" I heard her typing frantically.

"This is the end!" I hung up. I then called the police.

I explained the situation and to my surprise they were more than willing to help. Turns out they had been investigating and trying to locate Mr.Wilson for the past few weeks. I informed them of the plan and that I had a man inside giving me information. They took on the case immediately.

Amber called back confirming that she'd given the police the information.

About an hour later Tyrrell called and said that after trying to fish for information one of the body guards became suspicious of him. They slapped him around and locked him in a shed. But he was at the location they had chosen and the time remained the same.

Just then I head a noise from downstairs and immediately hung up. My heart was beating out of my chest as I walked down the hall.

"Honey! We're home!" My mom called. Instant relief.

"Oh gosh, look at the time." My mom flopped on the couch and dad put on the kettle.

"We're surprised you're still up." Dad hugged me and began readying the tea things.

"Oh, I was just busy reading. Time got away with me." I shrugged and sat down next to my mom. I took her hand in mine and held it tight.

"I'm so tired. Tea and then bed hmmm? How about that?" Her eyes were closed as she spoke.

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