Chapter 14

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Another story that has a while of being updated. Man I'm bad at updating regularly. Sorry everyone.

'I love you Sei.'

As I said that was when my bedroom door opened to none other than Sei himself. Although it was more of a mad Sei than anything. I was most likely going to hear nothing but how mad he was at how I was injured and how he should have been here when it happened.

"I should have been here when this happened! He had gone to far this time, to actually get you need ridden is to far! If it wasn't for your advanced school work being already turned in you would have been held back!" Sei yelled while he paced around my room with his arms crossed across his chest and a glare that could have stopped a mad man on a killing spree. Which of course proceed my point at how he was going to be mad.

'Sei it's ok-'

"It's not okay Kiko! What if he actually killed you!?!" Sei said with a helpless look on his face. Sighing I lift up my arm slightly and motion for Sei, who at the moment was at my window, to come closer. Once he was close to me I grab his hand and smile.

'But I'm not dead Sei, I'm still alive.' I close my eyes and smile again as I squeeze his hand slightly.

I slowly start to fall into a light sleep as I can feel that Sei sat down next to me on the bed. I can feel him caressing my cheek as I sigh in content and let sleep take me into its open arms.

As I was sleeping I could see a happy time in my life of when I had first met Sei. It was a great day that I am proud to say that changed everything from disparate and sorrow to light and happy. He was always there to help heal me and make sure I had nothing to worry about. He was my night in shining armor.

Sei's POV

As Kiko was sleeping she started to murmur my name and how she wanted to go buy some dango. She was always wanting anything sweet no matter what time it was.

As I kept caressing her cheek I let my eyes drift down to her shoulders that were bandaged up. The man who was supposed to love and protect her no matter what was the cause of this. He will one day pay for all the pain he had caused Kiko. Not only him but also her mother, and if karma doesn't give justice where it needs to be then I will do it myself one day.

'Sei can we go get some pocky?' Kiko mumbled as she shifted her face in my hand that was still on her cheek. I smiled and gently kissed her forehead while I got up from her bed and made my way out of her room.

As I closed her door softly I turn around only to come face to face with Kiko's poor excuse of a father. I level my gaze on his and make sure it doesn't falter. It was when he turned around motioning me to follow him that I was suspicious of what he was trying to accomplish.

Once I started to follow him I noticed that we were heading in the direction of his office.

As we entered he faced me with a look that showed nothing but authority. I started to get nervous but I knew that I was strong, so I kept my void of any emotion showing through.

"What do you know of what happens in this household, Akashi Seijuro." Kiko's father demanded as we kept a steady stare with each other.


Alright so I have been updating back to back on almost all of my stories since I was in the giving mood. So if you all don't mind as toooooooooo.........................................




FOLLOW like the stalkers we all are on the inside.

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