Chapter 10-Demon Princes Zeldris, Estarossa and Ark Angel Mael

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(With Gelda and Elizabeth in the forest of the six realms) (Gelda P.O.V.)

Were now in the forest of the six realms and are heading towards Mael's location, but I'm a little worried. Not for me or the situation, but for Elizabeth. But whatever it is it's not important at the moment what's important right now is finding Mael!

One things for sure I have to keep calling Elizabeth by Goddess No matter how many times she declines that that's not her name. Because if I don't then her real identity could be revealed in some way. At least when that demon is around and probably when around the goddesses are as well just in case.

"Hey Elizabeth are we close." I ask looking forwards to be met with her back. "Ow!"

"Don't move." Elizabeth whispers. I was confused at first, but then I sensed them. I must have been caught up in my thoughts and didn't sense them but where are they exactly. I then answer my own question when I look up to see that were surrounded!

'Could they be demons! No! Demons, yes. Not demons in a human form though, but what looks like demon birds!' I thought as Elizabeth summoned ark. "Damn I can't believe this! That demon prince Meliodas really does have someone working under him and we were so close to Mael's location to!" Elizabeth said with a annoyed grunt.

The demon birds then swooped down and went to attack me and Elizabeth, but before they could get an inch closer there was a bright light.

"Arrow of Salvation!"

Then in a blink of an eye the demon birds vanished as the light had pierced through them. "Elizabeth did you do th-" I went to say, but I was cut off when I looked over to see a tall and muscular man with four beautiful white wings standing in front of Elizabeth. As I went to say something else I was once again cut off by the man.

"Dear Lady Elizabeth I thought I would never see you again in my life time!"

"Um I'm sorry do I know you?" Elizabeth asked confused. " Lady Elizabeth It's me! Mael remember from when we were just kids." He said excited to see Elizabeth.

"Ummmmmm?" Elizabeth said more confused. She then looked my way with a questioning look, so I just shrugged and mouthed 'Just go with it'. "Uh Yeah I r-remember." She said trying to sound convincing. Key word 'trying'. The man that says he's Mael then goes to give Elizabeth a hug, but before he could I clear my throat catching his attention.

When he looks over in my direction his eyes widen. "Gelda!! what are you doing here!" Mael shouts surprised. 'He knows who I am! Wait now that I think about it that's why the name Mael sounded familiar. He's one of the higher up's in the agency!' I thought as I then spoke up. "I'm here on a mission, but at this moment most importantly on behalf of Elizabeth." I state and he just gives me an 'oh'.

"I had no clue you knew Elizabeth Gelda". Mael said scratching the back of his head. "Same here." I said looking over to Elizabeth, but then back at Mael.

"I'd like to know how you know Elizabeth exactly, but right now isn't the time for that. We need some help or information either will work for us." I said hoping he'll have something to share or some way of helping.

"Actually I might have exactly the information you need and I might be of use to you in some way depending on what it is if you can tell me why you would get dear Elizabeth mixed up in your shenanigans." Mael says looking away from me with a shrug.

"Ugh don't test me, but fine I'll tell you how she came to be in this world as long as you give me what I want!" I said as an aggerated feeling was starting to tickle to the surface.

"Let's make this short so I can get what I need. It was in the real world at the VR store: VR SENSATION. I came into the store to get the set so I could get into the game so I could stop the dark force corrupting the game, but when to the aisle it was on I had saw Elizabeth getting the set. I thought to stop her from getting it cause I knew once she was in she was in she wouldn't be getting out. But I didn't stop her knowing that she would be useful to me so that's how she is here now." I explained getting a nod from Mael.

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