Semester 2: First Conversation

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Semester 1 was the most memorable time of the school year.

Is this called l'imparfait? Conditionnel? or Passé composé? Who knows?


Funny, joyful, smart, normal, and hardworking. She is an emo kid at home, but tries to act normal at school. Every week, she goes to cadets, the more ghetto places, and this is probably why she is emo. She is 15 years old, turning 16 on March 19, and currently attends a high school, ND.

Quiet, friendly, smart, funny, and hardworking. She is friends with Jazmyn unfortunately, because she has a lot of sympathy towards emo people, like Jazmyn. Almost every night, Francheska watches anime and listens to 'Any Song' by Zico on repeat. She turned 16 years old on January 13th, and attends ND.

Anti-Social, funny, intimidating, friendly, smart, and hardworking. Every day, he walks to his bus stop at 7:30am and reaches school before 8:00am. He plays piano before he heads to bed. On school days, he sleeps at 9:00pm or 10:00pm at the latest, on weekends, he sleeps at 10:00pm or 11:00 at the latest. He is 15 years old, turning 16 on November 5, and currently attends ND.

Story starts NOW.

On a cold winter morning, 10:15am to be exact, was very an inspiring moment for Jazmyn.

A boy named Alex was Jazmyn's childhood best friend, but their friendship was ruined. Jazmyn transferred schools at the age of six, and left Alex. He was heartbroken. Years go on, and high school came around the corner. Who knew that Alex and Jazmyn would attend the same high school?

One day, Jazmyn walked through the Geography hallway with her friend Francheska and saw a tall young boy. "He looks familiar," Jazmyn says out of the blue "I think he went to my old school." Jazmyn carried along with her day and saw him in her AP Math class.

"C'mon guys, sit in a seat." Mr. Woodliffe cried out, "Welcome to Advanced Placement Math." Jazmyn took her seat and sat in the empty seat beside Riana. She looked around and saw Alex sitting beside David RIGHT BEHIND HER. "shit shit shit, Jazmyn mutters under her breath, "i'm gonna milk my cow."

Math class was very interesting to say at the very least.

After math class, Jazmyn sprinted to History Class. Jazmyn saw Francheska, and she ran to her. "Hey babe, you don't wanna know what happened during second period." Jazmyn says, "Alex, sexy boy, tall, and-" Francheska (rudely) interrupted and said, "oh shoot, the sexy Ashley is here, shut up Jazmyn."

Ashley walked to Francheska and Jazmyn. "Yo, how's the semester going bb gorls?" Francheska responded, "it's going great my queen, but Jazmyn has been going INSANE." Jazmyn entered the conversation and says "Alex is in my math class your highness." Ashley bursts out with a huge laugh and pats Jazmyn on the back. "What's so funny your majesty?" Jazmyn asks, "I don't think it was funny." The bell rang for third period to start, and so Ashley ran out of class, greeting Mr Macmahon a goodbye.

The next day was a P.A Day, so there was a three-day break. The break went along pretty well and was rather quick to say the least.

"Monday came by so fast," Jazmyn says as she was in the car with Francheska, riding to school, "and I can't wait to see Alex again." Francheska was silent and was very confused. Jazmyn and Francheska was silent and was driven to school. They could not wait to see their queen, Ashley.

First period, Religion went by fast, because Jazmyn sat with Samantha. Jazmyn asked, "Ms. Smith's knees are looking pretty attached, don't you think so too?" Samantha looks at Ms. Smith's knees and said, "Yeah, well I mean, she's walking. The real question is, will her lungs be okay? I mean, she continuously coughs every 15 minutes." Jazmyn smirks and replied, "she is a smoker, maybe we can smoke with her." The bell rang, and class is over.

Second period, Math class. Jazmyn rushes to her seat and avoided contact with everyone.

Mr. Woodliffe assigned an in-class assignment but Jazmyn did not understand a question so she asks her seat partner, Riana. "Yo Riana, what do you do for this question?" Jazmyn asks, "I don't know what to do for this question." Riana did not know how to answer the question, so she told Jazmyn to ask Alex. Jazmyn built enough courage to ask Alex. She turns around and looked right into his eyes. "H-hey." Anxiety kicks in. "How do you solve this?" Alex scanned the page and asks, "Which one?" Jazmyn points to the third question. Alex picks up the page and said "You gotta expand this with that and after you expand, you solve it." Jazmyn did not understand and thought that he made the question more complicated by making unnecessary steps to solve the equation. Jazmyn thanks Alex and turns around and decided to give it another chance.

Five minutes later, Jazmyn was not capable of solving the equation. Alex wanted to ask Jazmyn if she answered the question but Jazmyn turned to him and shakes her head. "Turn around Jazmyn and lemme show you how it's done." Jazmyn heard behind her and was shocked at what he said to her, but she did not have any other choice but to turn around.

"Ahhh so that's how you solve this, thanks Alex." He smiled and said, "No problem. Ask me if you're stuck on anything." Jazmyn nodded and turned around and started to smile.

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