Can I Borrow Him?

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This is the third week of second semester, and nothing exciting happened ever since the first week.


Funny, joyful, smart, normal, and hardworking. She is an emo kid at home, but tries to act normal at school. Every week, she goes to cadets, the more ghetto places, and this is probably why she is emo. She dreams of Alex every night, but she thinks it is not normal at all. She is 15 years old, turning 16 on March 19, and currently attends a high school, ND.

Dancer, funny, and joyful. He is pretty famous on a social media platform, TikTok. After school, he hangs out with his friends and they usually got something to eat at Chatime or Phõ Metro. He is a year younger than Jazmyn, and currently attends ND.

Anti-Social, funny, intimidating, friendly, smart, and hardworking. He likes to overthink many things. Every day, he walks to his bus stop at 7:30am and reaches school before 8:00am. He plays piano before he heads to bed. On school days, he sleeps at 9:00pm or 10:00pm at the latest, on weekends, he sleeps at 10:00pm or 11:00 at the latest. He dreams of his friends and zombies most of the time. He is 15 years old, turning 16 on November 5, and currently attends ND.

Funny, nice, smart, and creepy. She likes to watch Jude's TikToks in Math Class with Ashley. She loves to talk about her first semester teachers every day, especially her first and third period teachers about their broken knees and wrists. She is 15 years old, turning 16 on March 16, and currently attending ND.

Quiet, friendly, smart, funny, and hardworking. She is friends with Jazmyn unfortunately, because she has a lot of sympathy towards emo people, like Jazmyn. Almost every night, Francheska watches anime and listens to 'Any Song' by Zico on repeat. Before she goes to sleep, she turns to her left and looks at her collected pictures of Ashley, and says "good night baby." Sadly, none of her friends know anything about her secrets. She turned 16 years old on January 13th, and attends ND.

Story starts NOW.

Jazmyn's day started off pretty well. She watered her garden, and brushed her teeth for twenty minutes. After brushing her teeth, she removed her clothes and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. As she showered, she took her shampoo and squirted a decent amount of shampoo, not knowing that some shampoo spilled onto the floor. She brought her hands above her head and started to equally distribute the shampoo onto her hair.

After the rubbing, she turned on the water and took a step forward. Jazmyn stepped on the spilled shampoo and slips. She landed on her ass. "Ow!" Jazmyn yelled, and thought, "I kinda liked that actually. I wanna do that again." Jazmyn purposely spilled more shampoo onto the floor and she slipped again. She let out a laugh and continued to shower.

Francheska waited by Jazmyn's house at 7:35am and she was impatient. "Jazmyn is taking so damn long," Francheska said, "Mom, can we just leave Jazmyn here?" Her mother shook her head and they waited for five more minutes. Five minutes passes and Jazmyn finally came outside. Francheska asks, "Why did you take forever to get outside?" Jazmyn replies, "I was feeding Leah, I'm sorry." She did not want to embarrass herself in the car.

At 8:00, Francheska, Jazmyn, Melena, and her friend arrived to school. Unfortunately, Francheska and Jazmyn do not see Ashley in the morning, because she is always with someone else, but it hurts them, especially Francheska.

First period went well for Jazmyn. She finished the textbook work her teacher assigned during the hour that was given.

Second period felt pretty normal to Jazmyn. As she walks into the class, she greets Mr. Woodliffe a "good morning" as she finds her seat. She looks at Riana and asks, "Hey Riana, do you wanna see my gigantic-" Mr. Woodliffe interrupts Jazmyn sentence and asks every one what questions gave them a hard time. Nobody raised their hand, so Mr Woodliffe started his lesson, quadratic formulas.

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