Chapter 1

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Jimin remembered it like it was yesterday

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Jimin remembered it like it was yesterday. Every single moment of it was burned into his memory. He wanted to remember the good things. But his mind didn't take pity on him. It never did.

It would haunt Jimin for the rest of his life.


Jimin met Jin first around three years ago. Jin was that quiet awkward guy who nobody really knew. Jimin didn't notice him until his name was called. Apparently, Jin didn't know anybody there. At least Jimin had Taehyung and Jungkook with him.

Jin was shy. Like shy to the point where he was yelled at to speak louder. His face blushed a deep red whenever that happened.

Jimin thought Jin was younger than him. He didn't look too old. But, as he later found out, Jin was actually a few years older than him.

They were paired together that first day. Jimin found himself staring longingly at Jungkook and Taehyung, who got to be partners. Instead, he was stuck with this person that he didn't even know.

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin," Jin said shakily. He held out a stiff hand.

Jimin shook it. A million thoughts whirled around in his head. Who still used handshakes anymore? This guy was definitely strange.

They were told to get to know each other better. The officers walking around nearby yelled it out loudly, as if they were making threats.

"Park Jimin."

Jin nodded. "You have a nice name."

"Um... thanks," Jimin said. "You do too."

Jin nodded again. He seemed unsure of what to say next.

"So... what are some things that you like to do?" Jimin asked. He kept glancing over discreetly at Jungkook and Taehyung. He hoped Jin didn't notice what he was doing. The others were laughing together about something. They definitely weren't as awkward as Jin and Jimin were.

"I-I... like singing."

"Ah..." Jimin thought for a second. "That's kind of cool! I like to dance!"

Jin grinned. His ears turned red. "That's really nice too."

Jimin nodded. "Do you know anybody here?"

"No, nobody." Jin shook his head. "My mom told me to join up so I did."

"Oh," Jimin said.

"And you...?"

"I know Taehyung and Jungkook."

"Those two over there?"

"How did you know?"

"You keep looking over there," Jin said. He let out a small giggle. His face was so stiff that he couldn't move it properly.

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