Tododeku: Blushes and ice skating

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(A/N ew actually don't know what the title is supposed to be but bear with me, there will be some really good titles in future chapters. Also I know that I said I would do a different ship for each day leading up to valentines but yeah that did not happen. School and life gave me a vibe check and said that I am not allowed to do that. I will still go on with this but it will now be overdue :) :P. Anyway I hope you like this one personally, this has been my favourite writing so far. I don't know what it is but the tone of my writing in this one is quite different compared to my krbk works and maybe that cause this is my first time writing a fic for another ship.  Toodles!)


As the winter weather in Japan starts to intensify and the people are starting to pile on more layers, the arrival of a special holiday is approaching. Valentine's is quite a large event on this side of the world and preparations are being made so that loved ones can enjoy a day in which they show their appreciation and affection towards one another. Izuku Midoyria is shoving his few belongings in his bag so he can visit his dear mother for the long weekend.

Deku's relationship with Valentine's has been difficult in the past. He found himself loving the idea of the tradition and wanting to partake, but experienced difficulty in finding someone to spend it with as every time he would confront someone his face would turn bright red and his mouth would run off mumbling various nonsense things. He had never been in a relationship, up until now, because back then he would always chicken out, be too terrified that his face would be too red or his palms would sweat or he would say something completely embarrassing. And maybe there was the added bonus that he worried what Kacchan would think if he saw him partake in romantic endeavours (Kacchan believed that delving into romantic stuff like that would cause a distraction in his goal to become the number one hero). In the end he kept to himself and would rarely find himself in confrontation with someone he liked. Instead, he would admire from afar.

He sighs to himself as he zips shut his duffel bag and slings it over his shoulder. He takes a quick scan of his small room looking over all his All Might merch with pride while checking to make sure he didn't forget anything. When he's 100% sure he pulls out his phone to check the time to see when the bus should arrive and sees the photo he set as his homescreen. The photo is a selfie of him and Todoroki after some quirk training they had. They both look quite roughed up but nonetheless Deku is beaming. Todorkoi on the other hand has the slightest smile on his lips. Deku smiles at this, remembering that that was only a few weeks before the two boys started dating. At that point his crush for the incredibly strong and cool headed boy was at its strongest. When he looks at the image closer he can see the slight blush upon his freckled cheeks in the photo and remembers how exhilarating it was to be in such close proximity to Todoroki. He still remembers the heat from the boys right shoulder as they pressed together in order to fit into the frame.

It still baffles him how he managed to end up with someone like Todoroki and found it even more surprising that the boy had liked him for almost the same amount of time as he had. He still remembers the day he finally confessed to the dual-haired boy.

He was talking with Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, Hagakure and Ayoama at lunch and babbling on about Todoroki's recent developments in quirk training from the lesson before when Tsuyu then highlighted the fact that Deku was always talking about Todoroki and asked him the reason behind it. At this point Deku hadn't told anyone about his immense crush on the fire and ice hero and was shocked to hear this observation from Tsuyu. By then he couldn't hold it in any longer and told the group. They were accepting and even tried to give him advice, but it was all too much and he felt himself getting very flustered. So flustered that he blurted out,

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