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"Jungkook! If you don't wake up right now, expect to be homeless for the rest of your life!" Jin nagged, snatching the warm covers off the raven who was half awake by now.

"Leave the kid alone, he's probably tired," Namjoon chuckled, his deep voice echoing through the empty room, silence getting shattered by Jin's surprisingly loud yells.



"Okay, we're almost there, don't fall asleep Kook," Namjoon informed, gazing over at Jin who was glaring at Jungkook through the rear view mirror- now don't him wrong, Jin loves his son, but after the male had mockingly called his father 'mother' this morning, had been grumpy ever since.

"Oh..yeah, sorry," Jungkook mumbled somewhat sleepily, glancing out the window as they passed by buildings.

"Nervous?" Namjoon asked, turning into the parking lot. Jin's feature gently softened, chuckling gently at the quiet boy.

"Come on, Kook. I'll come with you," Jin hummed, getting out of the car before making his way to the back where he opened the trunk, taking out the male's suitcase.

The two made their way inside the large building, walking towards the counter where a friendly looking lady stood.

"Hey! Welcome to Seoul University, how may I help you?" The elder lady had asked, looking up at the two with a smile.

"I'm looking for my dorm key..and may I know who my roommate is?" Jungkook asked, watching as Jin took the key from the lady.

"Ah, you can find your dorm on the fourth floor, number 17," she hummed. "Your roommate should be meeting you there shortly, good luck."

Jungkook nodded, bidding a small thank you to the elderly woman. He was about to walk over to his dorm with Jin, before he noticed Hoseok struggling with his suitcase.

"Hobi!" He squealed, jumping towards his best friend.

"Kook! Hey!" Hoseok chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair. He gave Jin a small wave, before proceeding to talk with Jungkook. Jungkook and Hoseok have been best friends since they were kids and have been inseparable since.

"Well...I guess I'll put these away myself," Jin chuckled out bitterly, looking down at the ravens' bags, before making his way up to the dorms.


Namjoon was still in the car, waiting for Jin to come back. He glanced out the window seeing a tall boy- almost the same height as Jungkook, just a bit taller. He looked a bit lost, narrowing his eyes as he ran a hand through his dark locks.

"He must be new here too," he whispered, chuckling as he got out of the car.

"Hey..do you need help finding your dorms?" He asked, seeing the startled look on-the strangers' face, before he gave the elder a small smile.

"Yeah I am- do you go here? No offence..but you look a bit..older?" He chuckled, seeing Namjoon shaking his head in response.

"Nah, my son goes here. He already went inside with my husband, now let's go. I'll help," he hummed, walking off towards the university.

"You- you have a husband...so you're-"

"Bisexual, yes," Namjoon chuckled, glancing towards the younger boy that followed along beside him.

"So? What's your name?"

"Kim. Kim Taehyung...and yours?" Taehyung mumbled, walking towards the counter that Jungkook had previously signed into.

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