THE LAB | the ghoul

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" A r e  y o u a f r a i d  o f  d y i n g ?

"Y o u  s h o u l d  b e . "

the ghoul
aromantic demisexual
doberman pinscher
necromancy - having gone to the underworld and back and having experienced death firsthand, naberius is able to conjure and summon souls and beings of the dead back into the living world for a temporary period of time
immortality - seeing as naberius has already died once before, nothing can kill him except for his own body rotting away

" I  a m  w h a t  D e a t h  l o o k s  l i k e . "

A rather bald, blackish-gray skinned dog with sparse and patchy black fur, with countless stitching seams running across his body. He is huge, much larger than a normal dog, with a bulkier, more wolfish shape than that of your usual Doberman.
Naberius is a huge, muscular beast with long, lean legs and a sturdy build. Despite being a Doberman, he has the approximate size and shape of a wolf, if not bigger, and an unusually long tongue. He looks a little bit like a patchwork, Frankenstein-like creature, with stitches and sea lines traveling all across his body in order to hold his rotting corpse together. There are portions of his body where the thick, blackish/gray-colored skin has fallen off and has been replaced with a gray fabric that is sewn to the edges of the remaining skin. There are some openings and tears in the stitches and seams, revealing and exposing ribs, bones, and other parts. He is not completely bald and void of fur, as the remains of what used to be his pelt still do exist. He has patches of rough, coarse black fur along his back, head, neck, back of the neck, paws, and tail. There are hints of tan here and there, but not much of his previous Doberman markings exist anymore. He has cold, dark and emotionless eyes, shadowed by the torture of an existence with no meaning.
Stitching all over. So pretty much just his whole body.
His entire existence. He's technically dead, so he shouldn't be walking. He also has a really long tongue.
Tears in his stitches, where ribs, bones, and other parts poke through and are exposed
Unable to feel. So kind of a sociopath. His entire body is also slowly rotting away.
Lowkey kinda stinks? I mean, he is dead, so... What did you expect?

" J u s t  s t o p .  I ' m  i n c a p a b l e  o f  f e e l i n g  a n y t h i n g .  B e  i t  p a i n ,  o r  a n g e r ,  o r  e v e n  l o v e . "

There is actually not very much to put down here. Naberius has lot all ability to feel. Not love, not pain, not anger, not even sadness. But he sure can feel boredom. Naberius is both easily annoyed, and easily bored. He doesn't actually mind being annoyed or bored, because it's the closest he will come to feeling again. Despite this, he doesn't actually want to feel again. If he did, the torture of his existence would become even more extreme. He would be able to feel the pain of his entire body as he rotted away, held together only by the stitching that pierced his blackened skin. No matter how monstrous he may be, he wouldn't be able to handle that. Naberius is rather sassy and sarcastic, for a monotonous and emotionless creature. He is very abrupt and harsh, and brutally honest as he always gets straight to the point. His whole being is already a mystery, but he likes to add onto it by being cryptic at times. He's not very talkative, and stays fairly silent and keeps to himself. He doesn't listen to anybody, especially anybody giving him orders, and can get a little reckless and hot-headed if someone tries to. He can't feel anger, but he does feel intense dislike and disapproval, most of which is aimed at Delgado { THE DEVIL } and Sansa { THE STORM } . Even if he can't feel his rage or hate, he does get extremely fed up at times, during which it is to your best personal interest to stay absolutely clear of him. You do not want to see him when he's his closest to being 'angry' as he can get. He is already the scariest of all the dogs in the group, but he can become absolutely terrifying. While she may be very annoying, truthfully he doesn't actually mind the company of Sansa. It makes him feel a little bit better about maybe there's a chance for being accepted as a dog despite being the way he is now.
-short temper
Peace , quiet , water , |THE WRAITH| , |THE GHOST| , tolerable of Sansa { |THE STORM| } , stories (surprisingly). Okay I kinda realize now that he doesn't really like much whoops.
Delgado { |THE DEVIL| } , being annoyed by Sansa { |THE STORM| } , noise , food because it's tasteless , the others talking to him , the scientists , being still in existence , the thought of having to die again , slowly rotting :(
to be left alone. he never got to enjoy his first life, so this is the only chance he'll get now that he's technically dead. he doesn't want to escape because he knows, being how he is now, he'll never be able to be a dog again.
-his memories or his ability to feel coming back
-being left to rot. literally

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