The Life After Next

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Jihyo's POV

I went early for my 730 AM class and I saw Mr. Yoo inside the classroom, he's cleaning the whiteboard. Now, I'm confident to tell him how I feel and nothing can stop me now. I approached him silently and I knew he noticed my presence but he didn't budged from what he's doing.

"Mr. Yoo, I-I like you"

"Ms. Park, I like all my students, you should like all your teachers, ok?"

Mr. Yoo seems to be naive of what I want to tell him, "I like you, Yoo Yunnam"

"Ms. Park, please go to your assigned seat because the class will start in a few minutes." He continued erasing the writings on the whiteboard.

"If you refuse my feelings, I'll tell them we're a couple." I threatened him.

He stopped for a while and looked at me, "If you do that I'll lose my job and I might not be able to teach again"

"If you don't want to lose your job then just like me back. I like you, Mr. Yoo! No scratch that, I love you!"

"Ms. Park... we can't do this. I am your teacher and I am supposed to teach you how to be an upright citizen. Being in a relationship with a student is against the code of an educator and at the same time, it's not included in the syllabus. If I suggested that thing during our class interactions or extra curricular activities, I'm sorry. It seems there are some misunderstandings between us."

He refused my confession, wow he really rejected me, what's wrong with him? Am I not attractive? Did he find me not sexy? People said I'm smart, funny, beautiful and a hard working student. What's not to like about me?

"Calling the attention of Mr. Yoo Yunnam. Please proceed to the Administration Office."

He walked out of the classroom and he met his sister. He smiled at her while Jeongyeon was crying, she was shaking her head like she's asking his brother not to go to the office, I'm wondering why.

But Mr. Yoo walked out and left her sister still sobbing. She was being comforted by Momo and Sana and then she glared at me. She wiped her tears and walked towards me, "Are you happy now?"

I stood to face her "what do you mean?"

"Playing dumb, Ji? I told you to stay away from my brother, right?" I was in complete silence, "Why can't you do that?"

"Jeong, I tried but-"

"But what? Tell me, is it important for you to win that bet with Nayeon unnie? Or you just want me to get distracted so you'll be the head of the class?"

"What are you saying? The bet was cancelled because I really like your brother, you can ask Nayeon unnie about that! And for real, Jeongyeon? Me? Head of the class? You think I'm interested? No!"

"Then who gave this to the Admin?"

The brown envelope contains the pictures of me and him, it was ok on the first few images but the other photos were suggesting we are close, too close like a couple or somewhat dating. What's more shocking are the photos are the same pictures I have in my phone's hidden stash. "Jeongyeon, you need to believe me, I didn't send them these."

"Too late, Ji, you can't make the whole campus believe your story!"

"The c-campus? You mean..." When it sank to me, I immediately got out of the room and ran to the area of the bulletin board. People were gathered and looking at the images and what I saw were their disgusted faces.

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