TreeHouse: Carter Reynolds

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Have you ever had a crush on somebody before?

Well I have a crush but it's more than a crush I feel like I'm in love with him and I don't know what to do about it. Oh your probably wondering who this guy is well he's my best friend Carter Reynolds.

I was sitting in a treehouse that mine and Carter's dad built for us, I was just thinking and looking at the stars.

"He does not like you"
"He does not like you"
I keep chanting in my head
"He does not like you"
"He does not like you"
"He does not-"

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone coming up here
the door open to reveal a tired Carter. "Hey" I say tiredly wow I didn't relies I was tired
"Hey Y/N what are you doing up here?"
"What are you doing up here?"
"Just came here to think, you?"

He came an sat next to me, I look over for a second and I see perfection why cant I have him.

"Hey, Y/N are you ok?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You look disappointed"
"Oh, it's just that I like this guy but I don't think he likes me back"

"Oh it's just that. I like this guy but I don't think he likes me back"

I felt a heartbroken that she likes someone else. I've had a crush on her for I don't know how long but I know for a fact that she doesn't like me why would she.

"Really who is he?"
She looked over at me and said
"Seriously! You really want
To know who I like"

"Really who is he?"
She looked over at me and said
"Seriously! You really want to know who I like"

I don't know what to do lie to him or tell the truth but if I lie he can tell I'm not that good of a liar around him and than if I tell the truth it could ruin our friendship. I guess i'll do truth.

Somebody kill me please!.!

"It-it's um..." I'm way to nervous, I look at Carter he's waiting for an answer.
" It's you" I whispered

"It's you" Y/N had whispered

"Wait. What! You like me?"
"Yes" she looked at me "I probably just ruined our friendship"

I took my hand a made her look at me than I leaned in and kissed her, she kissed back and I smiled in the kiss. When we broke from the kiss I smiled again.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"
"Does this answer your question?"

And she pulled me into another kiss now I guess you can call us girlfriend and boyfriend.
I know this one sucks but I'm on the bus to school. Srry :(

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