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I've taught my body to love the flames that engulf me day after wretched day

At least I can love something right?

Because lately I've been feeling a whole lot of nothing

And trust me when I say that it doesn't feel good

But you can't trust me

You can't trust anyone

Maybe I would find that hurtful

But there is nothing left for you to hurt

You've taken everything that I am

No matter how hard I tried to hold onto the rope that connected me to me

The burns on my hands from trying to put out the flames that hold me

Begin to burn more

Until I see bone

I see the fragile foundations that reside within me

If I can even call myself me anymore

Truth is I am just a hollowed out shadow of a person that used to love you

And that's fine

For now it's fine as someone else

Pulls the puppet strings

And makes me dance the dance

That's life I guess

I don't want to dance anymore

The strings rub against my wrists

I'm scared they will pull so hard

And my hands will fall off

I can't dance anymore

I can't anymore

Smoke and DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now