Chapter 7

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Cecilie's p.o.v

Cc and i got back to the bus, he had told me he loved me... i'm glad he didn't kiss me.. i would've made a fool of myself.

The girl had left so i went over to Emma "wassup did you get it on last night" i winked at her. she laughed and shook her head.
"No but i got her number her name is Katie she's really nice not to mention hot" Emma smirked
"I'm happy you found someone" i smiled at her.
"Cecilie can i talk to you for a second?" Andy asked me
"Oh uhm sure" i said what did he want?

"Ok so.. The thing is, Cc loves you, as he told you." i looked down when he said that
"He told me he's afraid your selfesteem isn't good enough for you to even accept yourself... he wants to help you but he doesn't know how beacuse you are so nervous.."
I felt a tear make it's way down my cheek and i started sobbing. i hated being confronted like this.
"Cc come on out here please?!" Andy shouted trying to comfort me. Cc came running out and when he saw me he ran over and tok me in his arms
"Oh Cecilie what happened?" He held me close, i could hear his heartbeat wich soothed me more than anything.
I dried my eyes and fake smiled "i'm fine now" i lied.
"No you're not.. i can tell" Cc said and Andy left us.
Cc sat on the ground back against the bus and i sat down beside him but still a small gap between us. he moved closer to me and put his arm around me.
"Do you know how fragile you are...." he looked at me, i nodded.
"Why do you try to hide it?"
I shrugged
"You know... that night at the concert i fell for your smile right away when i saw it. your smile makes everyones day better, you're so beautifull and you don't even know it.... don't think i haven't noticed that you have only eaten an apple since you got here...."
I looked away
"Look at me Cecilie.. it hurts beacuse i love you, i love you more than anything."
"I love you too Cc.."
He leaned in, was he gonna kiss me? I don't know if i was ready for this yet.
I closed my eyes and leaned in too and soon our lips touched, they moved in perfect sync. wow, just wow
i pulled away due to lack of oxygen
"Wow that was..." cc said and took my hand, i felt a lot better now and when we walked onto the bus Emma looked at me she knew everything just by looking at me "they kissed!!!" She yelled i smiled at the ground and i felt Cc squeaze my hand.
"How'd you know?" Cc asked her
She laughed "she's my sister i could tell by her smile."

Jinxx came out "so are you guys dating now or??"
Cc looked down at me "depends if she wants to?"
My breath got stuck in my throat "d-did you just ask me to go out with you?"
Cc nodded
"I guess i could try.." Emma squealed and everyone congratulated us.

My heart catches the beat of your drums (CC bvb fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now