night light

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Izuku awoke to darkness and the faint sound of yelling coming from somewhere inside the dorm building. He let out a tired yawn and rubbed at the sleep in his eyes, reaching up to fumble around for his phone. Turning it on he was surprised to see that it was just after one in the morning, who would be yelling at this time?

He quickly sat up as the commotion grew louder, now feeling quite worried. A short ping on his phone made him look down and he unlocked it to see a text from Uraraka.

one new message

1:13 Uravity: DEKUUUU! POWERCUT!!!


Izuku let out a groan. Was that all? He was starting to think they were being attacked by villains, at least from how the commotion sounded.

The boy turned his phone torch on, swinging his legs off his bed and slipping on his All Might slippers. He quickly hopped out of his room and headed downstairs to the common area, not surprised to see that most of the class were already gathered there, their own torches flashing around the darkened room.

Izuku made his way over to Uraraka and Tsuyu who were watching Iida frantically wave his arms around, trying to get everyone to calm down.

"Deku!" the brunette greeted, sounding relieved to see him.

"Hey, why is everyone freaking out?" he asked, looking around at everyone's worried faces whilst trying not to yawn.

"Kaminari said the power cut was caused by a villain attack, kero" Tsuyu replied.

"and the darkness is making some people feel uneasy" Uraraka added on, Tsu nodding in agreement.

A villain attack in the middle of the night was sure to cause unease, double that with a power cut and Izuku could see why everyone was so panicky. Darkness didn't bother him much, he actually found it quite comforting. However he did know someone who was very bothered by it. After scanning the room multiple times a worried feeling settled in his gut, Bakugo was nowhere to be found.

Ever since they were children Bakugo always had a fear of the dark, not that he would ever admit it out loud of course. Izuku had quite a few memories of childhood sleepovers where Bakugo had always brought his night light along with him, it was a cute bunny shaped night light, one of the ones you'd plug into the wall socket. He'd never questioned Bakugo about it thanks to his mother telling him not to and as he grew older he realised the reason behind the nightlight without having to ask.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Aizawa's voice, "alright everyone calm down". The class grew quiet, their attention now focused on their tired teacher, "as you've all realised there's been a power cut-"

"is it true it's because of a villain attack?" Mina called out from the back, her brows furrowed in the same worried expression everyone had.

Aizawa sighed, "yes, a villain with a powerful electric type quirk," a few murmurs broke out, "however pros are on the scene and are currently working on taking the villain into custody. So none of you should be worrying and you should all be getting back to sleep for classes tomorrow" his eyes flashed red, obviously annoyed he had to wake up to settle his class down.

"Sir, if I may ask!" Iida raised his hand and Aizawa turned to him with a brow raised, "when will the power return?"

Izuku was actually wondering about this himself, his green eyes focused on his teacher.

"It should be back in a couple of hours," Aizawa answered, "now back to bed all of you, I'm too tired to deal with you all right now" he muttered the last part not so quietly and left before anyone could ask him any more questions.

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