※1.ryoma hoshi※

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throughout the process of making this, I guess I thought that I knew more than I really do about ryoma. this might as well be one of the shortest chapters.

(2/26/20) iM soRry IM baD
(3/1/20) the fuck am I doing
ok so it's March and I headcanon kokichi as claustrophobic and I'm just gonna make ryoma help not because it's nice but because I don't want to talk about him having a panic attack every chapter with different characters.
the room is v small, because my drawing skills aren't of an architect.

this chapter is kinda angsty but I promise that ryoma and kokichi will be homies-

3rd p.o.v
the next day had arrived, as a familiar morning announcement played. it only became confusing when it called ryoma and kokichi individually to the gym- no one really thought of the situation though. kokichi is kokichi, so they weren't worried, and the only person who would ever remember ryoma is probably kaede. as ryoma and kokichi gathered to the gym, they were met with monokuma and the monokubs. kokichi crossed his arms and yawned.

"why'd I got to be locked with the second most boring person here first?" ryoma rolled his eyes and pulled down his hat while both boys walked towards the room.

"so approximately how long are we going to be in that room? " the ultimate tennis pro asked, while monokuma took out a strangely shaped golden key and inserted it into the doors keyframe. monokuma did a fake hum.

"oooooohhhh... only about 5 hours. "
both kokichi and ryomas face darkened.

"how boring! " kokichi put his arms behind his head. "5 hours with an incredibly boring person, nevertheless a murderer? how am I going to survive??? " ryoma just sighed.

monokuma opened the door to the room, letting the two ultimates stare into their 5 houred prison.

((quick sketch ^^) they stared into a strictly white room, with a gray couch and a refrigerator

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((quick sketch ^^)
they stared into a strictly white room, with a gray couch and a refrigerator. in the way back settled a door with a sign clearly stating 'bathroom' (haha forgot the signajnans). the carp-

their thinking processes were cut off when monokuma pushed them both into the room impatiently and closed the door tight shut, before grumbling about how 'teenagers (sCaRe tHe lIviNg sHit Out Of mE) always take forever' and 'that they had enough time to look around in those 5 hours'.

the two boys laid on the floor as an aftermath of being pushed into a room, before kokichi leaped up and towards the door quickly, knocking on the door a billion times a second.
he stopped for a breif second when ryoma sighed.
"why'd I have to get stuck with you first... "

kokichi blinked, than repositioned his hands to near his hips as he fake cried tears.
"wAaAAaaH- you're so mean and cold shouldered! "
ryoma, who had just readjusted his beanie, shoved it over his face again in a painfilled sigh.

this banter and agony lasted for about 30 minutes, before everything settled. they then went to look around the place, admiring the fridge and the couch, before cringing at the security camera and the half black half white carpeted floor. they then turned their eyes towards a timer above the door that imprisoned them in the room. it read '4:38:09'. kokichi lifted his finger to his lip in 'confusion'.

"is that the time limit before I have to kill you? " before ryoma could sigh, complain, or even breathe, kokichi had laughed and headed for the bathroom.
"I wonder if the restroom is soundproof...? "

ryoma saw as he slowly entered the bathroom and closed the door, hearing the click of the door locking.

on the other side of that door, was just kokichi, not having to use the bathroom like a normal person, but venting to himself in front of the unfamiliar, and somehow even unreflecting mirror. it looked like him, but he couldn't recognize it- he didn't know who he was looking at. he than sighed and shoved his face in his hands.

"if this motive goes on too long, I'll have to stop lying. 15 times... 75 hours for 15 days is way too long, what if someone gets murdered or something? what if-"
his throat stopped as his mind raced with endless possibilities. he then looked up from his hands tiredly. and turned around to see the door- which was much closer to him than he expected, maybe about a foot away. he turned his head left and right before realizing how tight the space was. he steadied his posture, before shaking his head.

"i need some water... "
the boy walked forward, shoving on his confident persona before opening the door-

wait, opening?

why wasn't it opening-

he shook the handle up and down vigorously, his vision becoming blurry with tears and anxiety.
even though he knew the attempts of opening the door were useless he just kept trying, he couldnt be stuck in this room-
why wasn't ryoma responding?
kokichi pounded on the door desperately, trying not to break down just in case he opened the door. at some point, he gave up. he sat near the door, becoming silent, head in his knees as he realized that no one was going to save him.


ryomas eyes slowly opened as he rose from his slumber. when did he fall asleep? where's kokichi? he looked back at the clock. '0:30:34', it read. kokichi would've woke him up by now, 4 hours is too long for him to be inactive. ryomas curiosity became more prominent, as he walked towards the bathroom door. he knocked on it twice, before asking nonchalantly, "hey kokichi, you in there? "

for about 5 minutes, there was nothing. the clock read '0:25:36'. there wasn't much time left. but then, a collage of knocks and pleads from the other side arose. ryoma jumped slightly, before hurrying to open the door (3/1/20 - is he tall enough??)  as he did, kokichis body fell to the floor in panicked wracks of sobbing. ryoma, who has never seen this happen once, reached his hand out to the horrified boy curiously.

"hey, are you okay-"
he was cut off as kokichi slapped his hand away angrily. the liars tears stopped but you can tell that they were existing beforehand.

"where were you?? " ryoma opened his mouth to retaliate, before kokichi stood up, stumbling.

"whatever, it doesn't matter anyways-" the purple haired boy lifted his head in a manner where it looked like he was doing what he always did- lie. "- because it's a lie! " he put his hands up in jazz hands. ryoma, although smart, couldn't see through (though to be fair, neither could the ultimate detective), as he sighed.

"come one dude, " they both checked the timer. "the timers up in a few seconds. " ryoma and kokichi both gathered at the door, and right on cue, monokuma opened the door.

"pupupu, you were sooo boring! " monokuma closed and locked the door as the two boys stepped out.
"maybe tomorrow will be better! " the winnie-the-pooh lookin mfer then disappeared, as he always does. kokichi smiled and put his arms behind his head.

"well... I'm going to go back to my room and murder kaede~ or maybe I won't! I am a liar. " kokichi suddenly became serious before slightly drifting back to normal.
"hey... do you trust me ryoma? "

ryoma, who was about to get back to his room, stopped in place. he put his thumbs up.

"you still got ways to go. "

𝙥𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨, 𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙢𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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