S1: E1 Pilot

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To believe what I'm about to tell you, you need to be able to believe in the impossible. You can do that? Okay, good. See that red blur right there? That's me! And that. That too! My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. But I wasn't always that way. My whole life I've been running. Mostly from bullies. Sometimes I outran them, other times I wasn't so lucky. "What happened?" His mom asked. "Those kids were picking on Kara just because they thought that she isn't cool, it's just not right!" Eleven-year old Barry said. "I know but it's still not good to pick a fight." She replies. His dad then gets home. "How was school?" He asked. "Barry got in a fight, and he won." His mom said. "Way to go slugger!" His dad said. "Oh, and no more fighting." He added, seeing the expression on Barry's mom's face. But after that night, I've been running from something much scarier. His mom tucked him to bed. Later, he hears a scream. He then goes downstairs. There's a ball of lightning surrounding his mother. "Mom!" He yells. "Barry! Run!" She yells back. He starts running out of the house. Then, all of a sudden he's far far away. Once he gets back home, he sees his dad being arrested. "Dad, where are they taking you?" He asks. "Barry, stay out of the house! It's not safe!" Inside the house, a detective asks the lead detective "Do you know these people?" "My daughter's best friend and her parents." Joe said.

13 years later

A crime scene

"Allen! Where Allen? CSI Allen!" Captain Singh yells. "I don't know." Joe muttered. They then see Barry Allen running down the street. "What took you so long?" Singh asks. "Uh-" Barry starts. "Don't give me another ridiculous excuse. Last time you said car trouble. Do you know why that was particularly memorable?" Singh interrupts. "I do not own a car." He replied, embarrassed. "He was running a errand for me." Joe covered for him. "Did you get what I asked for?" He asked. "Uh yeah." Barry said nervously, pulling a half eaten chocolate bar from his pocket. "I had a few bites of it." "Just get to work on that case Allen." Captain Singh says. "So it looks like the escape vehicle is a Shelby GTA500. They have a tire track unique to that model. There's also some kind of fecal excrement." He grabs a pen out of another detective's pocket. "There are four farms in the area that still use this kind of fertilizer." He said, scribbling down a few names. "Bet you could find a really sweet Shelby parked at one of them!" Barry said. "My dad gave me that pen, before he died." The detective Barry took the pen from said. "Sorry." Barry sighed.

Barry's lab

Barry is sitting in his lab, analyzing some evidence. He eats some fries from a bag labeled "Big Belly Burger". Iris (A/N I'm sorry, but this is necessary) walks into his lab, and starts eating one of Barry's fries. "Hands of my fries!" Barry tells her, slapping her hand. "Unbelievable." He says. Kara then walks in. "Hey Barry, are you available later?" Kara asks. "I don't know, I'll ask Joe." Barry says. "So Barry, trying out for the reporter thing you told me to do, what's so cool about this, particle accelerator thing?" Iris asks. Barry goes up to his glass whiteboard, and picks up a white market. "Imagine this is everything the human race knows already." He starts, drawing a dot. "Does that include twerking?" Iris asks. "Really?" Kara says. Barry ignores both of them. "This is everything we could learn from the particle accelerator." Barry says, drawing a big circle around the dot. Joe walks in. "Do you think me, Barry and his girlfriend could go watch the particle accelerator start?" Iris asks. "She's not my girlfriend." Barry says. "Alright, fine go." Joe sighs. "Yes!" The three shout in unison. Kara reaches for one of Barry's fries. "You too?" Barry asks, shoving Kara's hand away.

Star labs

"I'm excited." Kara says, out of the blue. "I am too." Barry says. "You too are so perfectly perfect for each other, but I bet you three hundred dollars that it will take him more than a year to pick up his balls and ask you out!" Iris tells Kara. "No one would take that bet, cuz everyone knows you would walk away three hundred dollars richer." Barry says. Harrison Wells is up on the podium. "Today, the future begins. The particle accelerator my team and I have created will make advancements in science, in medicine and much more. Today the future begins." He says. "Hey!" Kara yells, as someone steals her purse. "That had my laptop in it!" She says. Barry chases after him. When he reaches the robber, he gets knocked over. Then some new detective from Keystone walks in and says "Hey, give that lady back her purse, or do you want to find out the hard way you're not faster than a bullet!" He says. The man then returns the purse back to Kara. "You okay?" Kara asks Barry. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go back to my lab to finish something up." He says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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