First Meetings

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One early morning on the beach Joe was in his training clothes for the army. But he only had a singlet this time not the matching shirt to his pants. His base wasn’t far from Santa Monica beach. Joe was also at the beach every morning for a jog along the shore.

Demi was at the same beach getting her morning surf in before school started. Both Joe and Demi were at different parts of the beach, they have never met until this very morning where their lives clash into one another. When Joe finished doing one lap of the beach, he decided to go for a swim then he would do some more laps before heading back to base.  Demi got into her wetsuit and picked up her board and ran into the water and court a few waves. Both Joe and Demi got out of the water and ended up bumping into each other by accident on their way up the beach.

Demi: “Oh I’m so sorry.”                                                     

Joe: “Hey it’s cool; nice surfing out there.”

Demi: “Thanks…”

Joe: “It’s Joe ma’am.”

Demi: “Oh I’m Demi and going to be late for school.”

Joe: “Sorry for asking, but how old are you?”

Demi: “I’m 22 and I go to college.”

Joe: “Cool, I’m 25.”

Demi: “Uh huh and by looking at you; you’re in the army.”

Joe: “Yep; I’m training to be a pilot so I can flight a black hawk or jet.”

Demi: “Cool.”

Joe: “Yea well I gotta go.”

Demi: “Ok, it was nice meeting you.”

Joe: “You too.” (Smiles at her)

Joe walked off and Demi grabbed her board that she put down earlier on the sand and walked up to the showers. She took a quick shower and got ready for her class.

At the college Demi went to, she parked her car there when she arrived. She got out and grabbed her bag and walked off and into the first building to her morning class. Selena and Jordan were getting coffee before their classes as they found a table they noticed Demi walking pass the coffee shop on campus.

Selena: “Hey Demi, Demi…you want coffee.” (Yells out to her)

Demi heard her name being called and looked in the direction and saw Selena and Jordan sitting at a table. She walked over to them and hugged them both then she went to go and order coffee. When she walked back over Selena and Jordan were talking about their classes. She took a seat and listened to them talking.

Jordan: “So Dems how was your morning surf?”

Demi: “It was great; I actually got a lot of waves this time.”

Selena: “That’s cool, so were there any hot guys this time?”

Demi: “There was one; we actually bumped into each other.”

Selena: “Really well details please.” (Excited)

Demi: “Well we bumped into each other and he said I looked good out there and I said thanks. Then I said I was going to be late for class. Then he asked how old I was and what my name was and I told him.”

Jordan: “Great was he hot and does he have friends.”

Demi: “Oh yes he was very hot and I don’t know about friends all I know is he’s in the army.”

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