Chapter 1- The Volcano, and the Birth of Selene Valentino.

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Jim ran through the red and white jungle, running away from the screaming angry natives. He came across a giant alien animal, and he shot at him with his phaser.

"Dammit man! You just stunned our ride! " Bones cried.

"Ah, great! " Jim stated sarcastically. He turned his head, hearing the natives getting closer. He grabbed Bones' arm. "RUN! " he yelled.

"What the hell did you say to them?!" Bones asked, as the two continued running.

"I have no idea, they were bowing to it. Kirk to shuttle 1, the locals are out of the danger area. Repeat. Spock get in there, activate your super cube and let's get out of here! " Jim ordered. A small shuttle shifted slightly as it flew through the smoky background. Inside the small shuttle, Serenity and Uhura helped Spock into his heat resistant suit.

"Captain, did the indigeonus people see you?" Spock asked.

"No Mr. Spock, they did not," Jim's hurried voice responded. Serenity frowned.

"Lier!" Serenity called him out. Spock looked to her, as she helped him.

"The prime directive states there should be no interference with the internal structure of alien civilizations-" Spock began.

"I know what it says! " Jim interrupted. "Which is why I'm running through the jungle, wearing a disguise. Drop off and activate your super ice cube, and let's go!"

"You're good to go, love, " Serenity told Spock.

"The ash is killing the coils! " Sulu informed them. Serenity helped Spock put on his helmet.

"You sure one of us can't go instead?" Serenity asked. Uhura nodded in agreement.

"That would be highly illogical, as you are pregnant, and I am already outfitted-"

Serenity frowned, and her hand slowly moved to her baby bump

"Spock, she was kidding!" Uhura stated.

"Oh," Spock said quietly, slightly embarrassed. Serenity kissed Spock's helmet before stepping away with Uhura.

I know you've got this. We believe in you, my love," Serenity told him.

"See you in 90 seconds," Uhura said, watching her best friend Serenity closely.

"We have to go now!" Sulu yelled frantically. Spock walked to the platform.

"They're trying to kill us! They're trying to kill us, Jim!" Bones cried out.

"Go! Go! Go!" Sulu ordered. A lever was pushed, and Spock dropped.

"I can't hold it's position. Spock, I'm going to have to pull you back up!" Sulu exclaimed.

"Negative. This is our only chance to save this species. If the volcano erupts, then the planet dies," Spock told him. As Spock fell, the ship rocked again. Serenity gasped, as she held her belly in pain.

"We need to pull Spock up now!" Sulu ordered. As the ship pulled up, the cord holding Spock snapped.

"SPOCK!" Serenity screamed. She bowled over, and as she fell, she tried to call out for assistance. "Ahhh!" Uhura immediately ran to her side to help her.

"Serenity! Spock, are you okay?" Uhura asked. She hooked one arm around Serenity. She had learned a few months ago about Serenity and Spock's deep connection.

"I am..." Spock started.

"Baby!" Serenity screamed out in pain. "She...she's coming!" Uhura's eyes went wide.

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