Chapter 17- Serenity's Destiny of Sarcrifice

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Serenity flinched for a second, reminded of a child long before Khan that she had failed to save, for her death had been very similar to Marcus'. A tear slid down her cheek, and she knelt down to Carol's highth on the floor. She picked her up in her arms and teleported to her own ship, and into the med bay. A raven haired woman looked up from her paper work, and upon noticing her captain ran to the medical bed to which Carol Marcus laid on. Carol groaned in pain, and the black haired woman stood at attention.

"Anisha! I'm going to need your help keeping her still. I'm going to heal her knee, but the pain is going to really hurt."

"Yes Captain! "

"Carol, my dear. I'm going to give you back the ability to walk. And darling, I have to warn you, but this is going to sting."

Serenity took out a small decorative knife, and closed her eyes as the sharp blade bit into her pale glowing flesh. Dark red droplets of her anomaly blood dripped down onto Carol's knee. The sound of Carol's echoing screams mixed with the hissing of Serenity's blood as it seeped through Carol's skin, and healed her knee. Anisha and another nurse held Carol down firmly, until her shaking had subsided to a minimum. Carol finally looked up in astonishment as she tested her leg.

"Oh, my god! You really are extraordinary!"

"If you say so. I can not undeniably for certain bring back the dead though. As a death maiden, I can not do so on a whim. Within my soul and my dimensional realm, such things can be possible, but it must be done correctly, and exactly as the code describes. If there's one wrong move... The point is, I'm so very sorry you lost a father, Carol. If only he had listened to me when he was younger... I think that may be where it started."


Meanwhile, unknown to Serenity, Khan had begun to beat her little brother Jim. Khan called the Enterprise, and threatened Spock for his crew...his family. Spock looked for his wife,  but saw no sign of her.

"Where is Serenity?" He asked. Khan tilted his head.

"What do you want with my mother?" Khan asked. After a moment he shook his head, as if clearing it, and wiping his mind clean. "Just give me my crew, and I'll give you yours."

"And what will you do when you get them?" Spock asked.

"Continue the work we were doing before we were banished," Khan replied still holding Jim against his will. Khan sensed a disturbance in the air for a moment,  and so did Spock. Both ships shook softly for a moment, almost unnoticeable to normal beings. Both men paused,  before Spock spoke.

"To which if I understand correctly is the mass genocide of beings you find to be less superior."

"Shall I destroy you, Mr. Spock?" Khan asked. Both ships now shook violently.  Suddenly a third ship, an ever-changing starship that belonged to none other than Admiral  Serenity Valentino,  burst on the scene.

"Sir,  we're getting transmission from the other ship! " Uhura told Spock.

"Put it on the screen, " Spock ordered. Immediately connection to the bridge of the Black Out was online.

"No Captain!  You can't do that!" A red haired green skinned female pleaded.

"I'm  sorry Tasha, but it's the only way to keep him safe. I made a vow to always protect. And to uphold that vow, I shall. This possibly could be my last entry as Captain of the Black Out. I am to go into the center of the dead space between  the Enterprise,  and the USS Vengeance. If either ship fires, my body will absorb what it can, effectively trapping me into the form of a full death maiden soul keeper. No longer will my soul be connected to my body. Should one be lucky enough to find the detailed scroll in Bones' office and follow it exactly correct,  I may return. But such luck is slim. I,  Serenity Valentino, The Anomaly,  and The Guardian  Angel,  am following my destiny to love and protect. I love you so much Spock. Jim, stay safe, help Spock watch over my daughter. And Selene,  always remember Mommy will always be there, even if you can't see me. This is Admiral Valentino, signing out!"

Khan tried to fire at the Enterprise,  just as Jim and Scotty were beamed back,  and Spock immediately retaliated.

"Nooo!" Taisa and Carol screamed, as Serenity closed her eyes. She had already teleported between the two ships. Her body began to glow, and as the torpedoes made contact,  Spock and Jim stared in disbelief, both watching the woman they loved die as she protected them. Bright white light exploded from Serenity's body, and the wave helped to destroy the USS Vengeance. Tears spilled down the two men's cheeks, their heads hung low in defeat. They had survived, but at such a cost.

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