Chapter 14- My Name is Khan

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"What have we got? " Jim asked,  entering the med bay.

"It's quite clever actually. This fuel container's been removed from the torpedo and  retrofitted to hide this cryo tube," Carol Marcus explained.  Jim walked over looking at the body in shock.

"Is he alive?"

"He's alive, " Bones confirmed. "But if we try to revive him with out the proper sequencing it could kill him. And your sister is ... Jim... This technology's beyond me."

"How advanced, Doctor?" Spock questioned.

"It's not advanced. That cryo tube is ancient. No offence, Admiral, " Carol stated.

"None taken," Serenity returned lightly.

"We haven't needed to freeze anyone since we developed warp capability,  which explains the most interesting thing about our friend here. He's 300 years old." Serenity looked closer at the frozen man.

"327, if you want to be precise, " She added.


"Why is there a man in that torpedo?!" Jim questioned their captive.

"There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there, " John Harrison told him. Jim and Spock looked at each other for a moment, and Serenity entered the room.

Who the hell are you?" Jim asked Harrison.

"A remnant of a time long past.  Genetically engineered to be superior so as to lead others to peace in a world at war. But we were condemned as criminals,  forced into exile. For centuries we slept,  hoping when we awoke things would be different. But as the result of the destruction of Vulcan, your Starfleet began to aggressively search distant quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift. I alone was revived," Harrison explained. Tears filled Serenity eyes as she heard of his pain, and of what happened to her lost child.

"I looked up 'John Harrison'. Until a year ago he didn't exist, " Jim confronted the prisoner again.

"John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause. A smokescreen to conceal my true identity. My Khan." Tears spilled from Serenity's eyes.

"My Thorned flower, " Serenity whispered.

Khan turned and looked at Serenity. "You seem very familiar to me....have we met before?"

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