RAW Week 9

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"At the arena"

Tom: Hello everyone I am Tom Philips.
Nigel: My name is Nigel McGuieness.
Vic: And I am Vic Joseph and you are watching Monday Night RAW.
Tom: Tonight we have some exciting stuff for you as we begin with a title defense.

Out came the team of Kushida and Alex Shelley, aka the Time Splitters. They were prepared for they're tag team title match.

Vic: The ultimate team, they have conquered oVe together and now are going to fight the two behemoths that are AOP.
Nigel: Dream on if they win the titles.

Out came the AOP accompanied by William Regal, they held they're titles as they matches towards the ring as the crowd booed at the three.

Tom: The two behemoths had a phenomenal match back at Survivor Series but in a losing effort against the Elite Slayers.
Nigel: They won cause Edge and a couple of stars on RAW interfered.
Vic: Shut up Nigel.

The bell rang and Alex started with Akam.

"Match Highlights"

Alex landed a Enziguiri to Akam and then landed a Dropkick which sent him to his corner and Rezar tagged in charged at Alex but he ducked and landed a Superkick and backed him away to a corner and tagged Kushida and got out and landed a chop to the bigger man before taking a few steps back and charged for a Running Dropkick but Rezar moved away and Kushida hit hard and was grabbed by Rezar and was put in by a Powerslam and pinned him but he kicked out.

"End of the match"

AOP had the Time Splitters in they're grasps as they landed a Super Collider before slamming them to the mat, they grabbed Alex for the Final Chapter chapter but Kushida rolled up Akam for a 2 count but Rezar grabbed him and tossed him out but Kushida held on and jumped on the ropes and landed a Knee Strike to Rezar and it mobilized him which gave Alex time to land a Spinebuster while Kushida did a Double Stomp and they pinned him but Akam broke the count and tossed Alex to the corner and he hit hard and grabbed Kushida for a Running Powerslam and pinned him but he kicked out. He tossed out the Time Breaker and Rezar got up and AOP did the Final Chapter and pinned Alex and they retained.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners and still the RAW tag team champions... AOP!!!

Nigel: And they get to keep the titles for another day.
Vic: So they do.
Tom: I can't imagine them being this dominant.

Then the RAW GM Edge came out and the arena cheered.

Edge: AOP and William, congrats and retaining... But that's only the beginning for you...

William grabbed a mic and spoke.

William: What ever do you mean?
Edge: You see next week will be a fatal fourway where the winning team will face AOP for the tag titles as TLC.

The crowd cheered.

Edge: The following teams are Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, Jurassic Express, the OC and the Street Profits.

The crowd cheered.

Edge: You will see your challengers next week.

He left.

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