Chapter 4.

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Before you read, I must apologies to you all. I keep forgetting their part animal and well last chapter I completely forgot, hence i didnt talk about their ears or tails. I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive  my mistake. I will try and remember when I update about them being part animal.  

Who what type of Were-animal.....

Coran = were-tiger.                Allura = were-cheetah.            Romelle = were-bunny.

Hunk = Were-bear.                 Lance = were-wolf.                    Lotor =  were-cat.

Keith = Were-cat.                    Shiro = Were-wolf.                     Pidge = were-fox.


"it seems the competition doesn't start until tomorrow, So please all take your phones and I will let you explore this area. Please stay on this street and you can visit the place where the competition is being held but your not allowed in certain places but I'm sure they have posters letting you know how far you can go. I will be in a meeting with the other teachers on this trip and the game plan and where we take you all along with other important information. Text me if you need me and phone if something bad happens. Please return to the hotel by 6 if I haven't called you to return" Coran spoke to them with a small smile his long stripy tail swaying nervously as his ears twitch as other students walked nearby.  

"we be fine Coran, please go to the meeting and we will promise to keep our phones close" Allura smiled sweetly as she waved her pink case phone. Her ears standing tall and her tail straight to show she wasn't lying to him. Coran looked at them once more before wondering off to the meeting.

"Who going to look after the School card, It has all the school money that was put aside for us to use while we here. If we out till six then we gonna want lunch at some point" Romelle smiled slightly as her bunny ears twitch and her tiny ball tail tightened slightly. 

"I would say me but I get distracted by food and well it seems we all have a weakness when it comes to something we like" Hunk said with a shy smile and rubbed his tail while his small ears folded in tail and his tail drop slightly.

"Maybe shiro, he seems the only one who trusty enough to not lose the car and keep an eye on what we buy. I think we can trust him to be the card holder" Pidge smiled softly, her tail swaying lowly showing she was complete calmed and her ears relaxed. 

"I agree, Shiro dose seem like the better option since I dont want to do it" Keith spoke up crossing his arms and his tail wrapped around his leg as his ears stood slump like his body. 

"are you willing to look after the card shiro, If not you can always trust it to me" Lance grinned as his tail wag and his ears pointed up with pride. The only problem was everyone knew lance would lose the card in seconds and spend all the money the school gave them by trying to impress the ladies. 

"I think i can candle it but thanks" Shiro replied as he pulled out his wallet slipping the card in before placing it back in his pocket. His tail hanging low all chilled and his ears stood tall but it showed he was calm. 

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