a series of events {❦}

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i. peaches and cream ~

transfigure me - like the marble statues in italy with the brawling of too quickly speaking men. blue eyes and blood, then, suddenly, you catch me as i fall, as i faint, as my straw hat slips from my fingers. my braid is coming undone and wisps of brown knots are flying in the cool breeze, and you; you take my hand and lead me home, to a room in the north with a view and a velvet blue couch.

ii. fate's hand ~

something tremendous has happened. no, i don't think i can forget it. you threw my blood soaked, soiled photographs in the river, but i forgive you - i only want the picture of you leaning over the sunset boulevard etched into my mind.

iii. the opera of lies ~

peer closer with your glasses of silver. listen to my opera singing and the soaring of my voice, filled to the brim with stories of romance and sudden kisses in the tall grass. the italians knowingly smile while the carriages of too rich men and women gossip about the young pair; a golden haired boy and a pianist girl whose hearts beat with the coming thunder.

iv. the green waters ~

there's naked boys bathing in the sacred lake, splashing and dancing and wrestling, their chiseled muscles gleaming with the sun. one brown, one blond, one gray, with mud streaking down their thighs. oh, how the girls in lace white dresses with twirling umbrellas scream and laugh when they discover the trio - what it would be like to have eternal youth with the harps of romance.

v. a black concert ~

she played the piano with feverish fingers, the passion of beethoven filling the room as her betrothed watches with a stare of possession. she thinks about the memory of a kiss with a wild boy as she plays. she thinks, "will you tell me goodnight whilst holding a black umbrella over my fixed hair and red brooch, only to then kiss me tenderly, gingerly, with soft lips in the london rain?"

vi. a heart to catch ~

the sidewalks are filled with puddles. he bikes to the train in the north and she takes a taxi to the south, a coincidental meeting of fate taking place. the two are parting, being too afraid to declare the truth of how they feel. she has since forth lacked the radiance of love for some time and he is missing the key to his heart - her love in return. she's deceived herself is all, having almost gave her hand to someone else, but she's running, she's running - she loves him. if only she can make in time to the tracks, with purple peonies and yellow daises watching her cry and run towards his departing arms.

vi. together, at last ~

she made it, her lips shouting his name and his handsome face turning towards her, together, at last. together, with each other, in love, in the window, in italy. together. with kisses and nightgowns and cream shirts with brown straps, falling blond hair and tangled brown curls. together, with their letters and love, together. together.

authors note:
at last. i have posted. you're welcome.

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