Thanks For Saving Me

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This isn't going to be from the 26 H20Vanoss prompts. It's based off of the cover page for my one-shots. I just felt like writing something like it so here it goes.

(Delirious POV)

I was walking home from work when it started raining. At first it was just a light drizzle but then it turned into a full on rainstorm (is that how you say it?).

I was almost two blocks away from my house when I say about three guys huddled around something. I was curious so I walk quietly over, not wanting to get seen. As I got closer it looked like they weren't just huddled around it, they were punching and kicking it.

I immediately forgot about being sneaky and raced over to where they were standing.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!" I yelled. They all turned their heads towards me and ran off. I made my way over to what they were beating up and found a big surprise.

Laying curled up in a tight ball was a guy who looked to be almost as old as me. Only, he didn't have regular ears. He had cat ears perched on the top of his head and a on his lower back.

I've never really seen a hybrid before, only on tv. They are usually used for science experiments and to be slaves. If we ever saw one, we were supposed to report it to the scientists that were running the experiments. Or if they were a slave, figure out who their master was a bring them back to them.

I just stared down at the cat hybrid, wondering what I should do. I obviously couldn't just leave him there. He looked so helpless and vulnerable. He had a bloody nose and blood was running for bus mouth. Like I said, I couldn't just leave him there.

I knelt down beside him, "hey buddy, what's your name?" He didn't even look up at me, he just laid there.

I then decided I would take him home and take care of him. I didn't know how long, just until he got better. I took my rain coat off and wrapped it around his shoulders. I then picked him up bridal style, careful not to hurt him.

He whimpered a little, but he still let me carry him. Luckily my house wasn't too far away and I got there really easily. I walked in a laid him down on my couch.

"Hey, I'm going to find some medical supplies okay? Ima be right back." He nodded a little, still avoiding my eyes. It sort of broke my heart a little. How someone could look so broken and vulnerable. I quickly found my medical supplies from my bathroom cabinet and went back to him.

I cleaned his blood my nose and checked if anything was broken. Nothing seemed broken or sprained, but there sure we're a lot of bruises. I could tell they were bad because when I ran my fingers over them he winced.

Finally, I got him cleaned and tended his bruises. "Can you walk?" He nodded a little. I helped him stand up and we slowly made our way up to my bedroom.

We sorta just awkwardly at there, not talking to each other. I decided to try and ask for his name again. "Now can you tell me what your name is?" I asked nicely.

"Evan, but you can call me Vanoss." Huh, that's a strange name. I sorta like it though. "So Vanoss, why were those guys beating you up?" I regretted asking him that question when I saw him shake and I his eyes water.

"T-they were sent by t-the scientists that w-were going to experiment on m-me but I escaped." He was silently crying now. You have no idea how sad I felt. How can people be this cruel? I hugged him tightly until his years stopped flowing.

We stayed like that for a while until Vanoss slowly drifted to sleep. I laid him down on my bed. I also laid down with because I didn't want to wake him up. He cuddled into my chest and I felt my face heat up just a bit. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around him.

(Time skip to the next morning)

I wake up the next opening to find that Vanoss wasn't there in my arms. I slightly panicked until I smelled pancakes and bacon. Awww, that's so nice of him.

I make my way down the stairs and see Vanoss in a cooking apron flipping pancakes onto a plate.

I went up to him and hugged him from behind. He jumped slightly and I could see the blush forming on his neck.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Um, I slept pretty well actually. Thanks for letting me stay with you."

We sat down at the table and I started to eat the pancakes and bacon Vanoss made for us. "Woah Vanoss! This is really good!" He blushed and looked down. "Well thanks, I guess." Oh my gosh! He looks so cute when he's blushing!

The rest of breakfast is silent. I didn't have to go to work today because it was the weekend. "Well, when w-would you like m-me to leave?" He said in a small voice. Oh shit! I never said he could stay! Well I'm not just gonna let him leave, he could get beat up again. I said, "no you don't have to leave! You can stay here with me." He looked up at me with wide eyes "really?! Thank you so much!" He suddenly tackled me in a giant bear hug with his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!" "Haha, it's no problem!"

He lifted his head from my neck and nervously looked into my eyes. "C-can I kiss y-you?" My eyes widened and I blushed a bit. "U-umm yeah sure" I said, slightly shocked. He smiled a bit and placed his lips on mine.

It was like dozens of sparks were going off inside me. I immediately kissed back and as it got more passionate I licks his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He gladly gave me it and soon we were making out.

We stopped for air and I pressed my forehead against his.



Yeah! I finally finished it! It took a bit longer than the other ones since I didn't have a prompt. But I got there. I might make more parts to this one but I don't know. It's a lot longer than what I usually do. Well this is goodbye!

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