Nayeon Vs Tzuyu

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[On a call]

Kidnapper: I have one of your members

Tzuyu: Which one?

Nayeon, in the back:


Tzuyu: ...

Tzuyu: You have the wrong number-

When it's Tzuyu who was kidnapped...

Kidnapper: We have your precious maknae-

Nayeon: No! Not Chaeyoung! She's just a smol bean! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS!

Tzuyu, in the back: BITCH I HEARD THAT!

Nayeon: I WANTED you to hear it!

Tzuyu: Bitch!

Nayeon: BitcH!

Kidnapper: Why do I even kidnap these people-

Jihyo: Should've thought about that before kidnapping Tzuyu-

Kidnapper: how the fu-

Jihyo: I am...

Jihyo: God Jihyo... [wearing the infinity gauntlet] ... [snaps fingers]

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