15 | EXAMS (day 3, part 1)

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yuta's first exam for the third day of his exams was music. he had calculus later that day and he was definitely not looking forward to it because he had heard from other students that it was hard.

the music exam was very east and simple: there was music theory, timeline of the types of classical music, genres of music, and scales. yuta was able to finish within an hour of the allotted time, and just took a nap for the rest of the testing time while waiting for everyone else to finish up.

 yuta was able to finish within an hour of the allotted time, and just took a nap for the rest of the testing time while waiting for everyone else to finish up

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yuta left his music class and stretched his arms, yawning as he was still tired from the nap he had taken. making his way to the cafeteria, yuta saw a familiar figure making his was down the hallway, and made a left turn into a different hallway.

the purple haired boy ran to catch up to the light haired boy who was now entering the new hallway that was isolated from everyone else. he grabbed the wrist of the boy, not denying the fact that it was sicheng because yuta knew it was him.


the said boy turned around and once he saw yuta, he backed away and gave a digusted look. "oh... you," sicheng said plainly, which hurt the older at the way he was talking. "what do you want?"

"why did you move out of our room?" yuta asked, not hesitating one bit. both his hands were now grabbing onto sicheng's right wrist, preventing the boy from leaving their conversation.

the younger just scoffed. "you followed me to ask me that? well, i guess it's better than following me for no reason. and to answer your question, i moved out because i couldn't deal with staying there anymore."

"but... you already barely live there," the purple haired boy said, tears suddenly threatening to come out of his eyes. his grip on sicheng's wrist got tighter, causing sicheng to remove his wrist from the grip of the older.

"i know, but seeing you face from time to time in that room was already bothering me. you make me so frustrated and annoyed, recently seeing you almost everyday. i always feel like i'm pressured to talk to you, when i don't even want to," sicheng stated coldly.

"so... you're not ignoring me anymore because you need space, but because you find me annoying and don't wanna talk to me anymore?" a tear fell down yuta's cheek as he asked that painful question to his friend, and sicheng's response shattered the japanese boy's heart.

"i realized how much more free my life is without you. it feels so much better and i'm not always having to be around an annoying person like you. i don't feel restricted to hang around a clingy, loud person like you, and it seems that you've grown worse over the years. my life was fine with you in it, but it's now even better without you," the light brown haired male said to yuta, spiteful. he turned around and left yuta, not turning around and comfort the other like he did before, not bothering to apologize for being too harsh like he used to do, not daring to engulf the older in a hug to stop him from crying like he did all the time. for the first time in his life, yuta had no one, and it made him feel so alone, knowing that the one person he trusted, the one person he protected, the one person he loved, was fake all this time.

the purple haired boy went to the nearest bathroom and went to the stall farthest from the door, locked the stall door, sat on the ground, and cried. he didn't stop his tears from falling, he didn't stop his brain from thinking, he didn't stop himself from hurting. the japanese boy felt as if he had no heart inside, felt as if he was just full of air, he felt empty.

"hello?" someone called from outside the stall door. upon hearing the voice, yuta tried to contain his crying, but soft sniffles were still heard from the boy. the boy outside knocked on the door a couple times before yuta got off the ground and opened the stall door.

"s-sorry for the c-crying... if y-you need to u-use the stall, then..." yuta's voice died down when he opened the stall door, seeing a familiar red haired boy with worry and concern evident on his face. yuta watched taeyong scan him from head to toe, taking note of everything he was currently seeing. the red haired boy lunged forward and gave his friend a hug.

"what happened, yuta?" taeyong asked as the japanese boy began to cry again, returning the hug and resting his head on the red haired boy's shoulder.

taeyong and yuta stood there for a few minutes, the korean boy listening to the sound of his friend crying in his embrace. not being able to do anything besides run his fingers through the purple hair yuta owned, taeyong kept whispering soothing words to his friend, hoping it would help the male calm down, which it did, but tears were still flowing down his cheeks. though yuta had to admit, it felt better to hold someone and have a shoulder to cry on, like sicheng would always do.

"yuta..." taeyong whispered silently, feeling terrible at the state his friend is in. when the japanese boy pulled away from the hug, the older male was met with a sad smile on yuta's face.

"it's okay, taeyong. thanks for that," the purple haired boy wiped away his tears and started walking past his friend, but the red haired boy grabbed onto his wrist, preventing him from going any further.

"i'm not leaving you like this, and i'm not going to let go without an explanation," taeyong said to yuta. the purple haired boy knew what his friend was talking about, but was contemplating on whether he should tell taeyong about it or not.

"i know that you're like this because of sicheng, and i'm tired of being the one who doesn't know anything. i don't know anything about what happened between the two of you, but i think it's about time i know," taeyong demanded from his friend.

yuta sighed as he turned back around, fresh tears still coming out of his eyes. "okay... i'll tell you..."

taeyong dragged both inside the bathroom stall and locked the door. he sat on the floor and motioned for yuta to sit down beside him, which the purple haired boy complied. "good, now tell me everything."

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