Life and Death

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A few days ago, I've heard a news about our talented comedian passed away due to some fever amd he died while he was sleeping soundly. His wife only realised that her husband has gone because her husband didn't wake up when they're about to perform their Fajr Prayer.

Today, one of our actor passed away too. But I think he was very young to die because he died at the age of 40. Leaving his wife and their only child. He died because of heart attack :'(

Now I know,

Death didn't know age. People come and go. Life is too short :') We don't even know either we are being prepared enough to go there. We as human committed a lot of sins. Do we really have time to repent?

Whatever it is, I also hope that I died first before my loved ones like my mom, my dad, my family, and my best friends. Because I don't think that I can handle my emotions very well :'))))

Truly, death is unexpected. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of the both of them. I may not show it in my face but my heart really shrunk when I heard the news because both of them are really talented and kind.

God always take the best and the kindest person first, right?

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