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Being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder at the age as early as 14 is quite challenging and rather seems odd to adults or actually just people around you.They will say something like~

"What are you so depressed about? You are still young."

"Kids nowadays don't know the hardship we went through back in our days.You should be more grateful that your lives are easier."

"Hey chill girl don't be so so stress you look pathetic."

Well first of all ladies and gentleman being depressed does NOT have anything to do with age. Depression is an illness or specifically mental illness.An ILLNESS doesn't require age,how rich you are or how poor you are or maybe how much of good deeds you did or how close you are with Allah.Don't make that kind of face! Why do people always assume that mental illness are all the crazy people that are locked in the asylum? Why do people have to assume that those with mental illness are possessed by Jinn? Why do people easily say that the person with this kind of illness is far away from Allah as if they know how close they are to Allah.

You know how different type of plants need different type of necessity?
Each and every type of plants need different soil,locations,temperature and quantity of water to grow and live healthily. Just like us humans! Some of other person can be this way and the other person can be that way. We all think and experience life differently.We live in different generation and we wear differently from our ancestors.We constantly changing so don't easily assume why a person is the way they are.You don't know what the person went through and you don't know how they think unless you talk or ask him or her.

To prove that humans are different we can check the Quran Surah Al-Hujrat verse 13.

"(O mankind! We have created you from male to female,and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know verily,the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has piety.Verily,Allah is All-Knowing,All-Aware.)"

(Al-Hujrat 49:13)

This is a prove that humans are different and we need to learn from this differences in order to be a better person.However we must remember we might be different from emotions and thinking aspects but in the end we humans are made from the same elements,soil.Allah created humans from the soil and we have no right to humiliate others.

Muslimah with DepressionWhere stories live. Discover now