Coming out

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Rowyn Jasper Bold, a vigilante who steals from the rich to support the ones in need, she had the abilities of a fox, with her ears and tail of the animal, while Risuki, a soul-consuming demon had fallen from heaven and plummeted down to earth as a punishment. The story of how these two met is something to behold.

Highschool. Like every other complicated action-packed love story, this story starts in high school.

However, this is no ordinary high school, a supernatural high school full of amazing abilities and powers.

Risuki was extremely tired, after a rough night coming to school so early in the morning was brutal. He had small dark bags under his eyes and his hair was a bit of a mess. However, with his style it looked like he was styling it that way, Risuki was a tall rugged looking boy, he looked like he stumbled out of hot topic with all his band t-shirts and his ripped jeans he always wore. He wore a jacket that had the school emblem on the back. Currently, Risuki was walking through the halls to his first class. He yawned again softly and rubbed his face tiredly, his backpack on one shoulder with one hand holding the bag strap and the other scrolling through his phone. Out of basically everyone in the school, Risuki looked the most normal, he looked like a normal human however the power he wielded was literally out of this world. He didn't show everyone his demonic side so he just said he used shape-shifting magic, although he couldn't manifest any real animals, he only could do animals or beings that didn't exist, mythical creatures.

Risuki sat down behind his desk in the classroom and laid his head down on the desk, Risuki wasn't that popular, as everyone who had a first glance at him through, he was just a normal human, so no one talked to him. The one person who was probably the most popular in the class was the beautiful Rowyn Bold, Risuki had the biggest crush on her just like every other person in the school. Risuki lifted his head to watch the only Rowyn strut right into the classroom, Risuki's sighed softly and sunk a little deeper into his oversized jacket. Which was quite large as Risuki was quite tall. He was about 6ft and muscular, he worked out quite regularly, as he wanted to get a job in the military, right now he was on a scholarship at this school to get to where he wanted to be.

Rowyn was giggling with her friends as she sat down her fluffy tail swaying slowly as they were chatting, she didn't even notice the boy with his head down right next to her, Rowyn and her friends were talking about the party they went to on the weekend, real girly things.

Soon enough the teacher walked in, by that time Risuki had fallen asleep his face was hidden in his arm and his breathing was shallow and calm. The teacher was calling the roll

"Mr. Rave?" the teacher called and looked around the classroom. No answer.

"Mr. Risuki Rave?" he called again, he looked to the desk to see Risuki dead asleep, the teacher grabbed a textbook and on the corner of Risuki's deck, slammed the book down, risuki shot up and jumped, the rest of the class started laughing as Risuki woke up. Risuki sighed and rubbed his face softly and slouched over. "this is the second time this week Mr. Rave, headmaster's office, now" the teacher said harshly. And walked back to the front of the room, Risuki sighed and grabbed his bag and stood up as he then started to walk out, as soon as he left the lesson began.

Rowyn watched the mysterious boy curiously, she didn't even know anyone sat on the other side of her she hadn't ever seen him before. She watched as he stood up and her eyes widened, he was hot... tall devilishly handsome but he looked so much like a human. Rowyn watched the boy walk out and watched him close the door.

At the end of the lesson, Rowyn made It her mission to find the boy from her first class.

Risuki currently was walking out of the headmasters office running a hand through his hair, as soon as he walked out someone ran into his chest, he jumped and looked down to see a pair of ears, the person stepped away and Risuki's eyes widened " I- uh sorry... " he said softly and backed away and looked away.

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